Episode 15 : The Final Confession

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Daniel searched everywhere Emma might possibly be. As dawn approached, he ordered all the officers to gather at the police station. Everyone arrived early in the morning, and Daniel joined them.

Daniel questioned everyone, Does anyone know where Emma is? She mentioned that something was wrong. I’m sure someone must know something.

However, both Michael and Mia were missing.

Two officers then reported that the previous night, they had been instructed to watch outside Michael’s house. Mia was supposed to enter to retrieve something from his changing room, equipped with a tracker and spy camera provided by Emma.

But Mia messaged them to leave, and since then, there had been no contact from her. Emma had apparently decided to handle things on her own.

Understanding the situation, Daniel said, Alright, let’s head to Michael’s house. Surround the area quietly. I’ll go inside first, and if necessary, I'll call you all in.

Following the orders, they set off in their police jeeps and took positions outside Michael’s house.

Daniel rang the bell, but there was no answer. Without waiting, he broke down the door and checked each room. In one corner room, he found Mia tied up.

Seeing Daniel, Mia began trying to speak, though her words were muffled by the cloth over her mouth. Daniel rushed in, calmed her, and removed the gag.

Through her tears, Mia said, Michael is the killer the police have been looking for. He’s taken Emma somewhere.

Daniel untied her and asked urgently, Where did he take her?

Mia replied, I don’t know. When Emma came to rescue me last night, Michael caught her. They fought, and he hit her on the neck, knocking her unconscious. Then, I heard his car start. He must have taken her somewhere.

Weak from her ordeal, Mia could barely stand. Daniel helped her up and called the officers to take her to the hospital, but Mia insisted, No, we have to find Emma first. I’m not going anywhere without her. Hurry!

Daniel instructed the officers to set up roadblocks and alert every station to watch for Michael’s car number. CCTV footage was reviewed to track the car’s route, and traffic police were on high alert.

Meanwhile, in an abandoned building, Emma sat tied to a chair with Michael seated opposite her.

Michael smirked, You’re in quite a situation, yet I don’t see any fear in your eyes. At least beg me not to kill you.

Emma replied defiantly, Go ahead. If you hurt me, Daniel will make sure you’re shredded to pieces.

Michael smiled coldly, You really trust your husband, don’t you?

You know, I liked you too. I wanted you by my side, but when I heard about your marriage to Daniel, my heart broke. I was so angry, but…

He shrugged. Even now, if you leave Daniel and come with me, I won’t kill you. We could live happily, far from here, and if you want, I’ll even give up murder.

Emma laughed. In your dreams.

Infuriated, Michael smashed a chair and shouted, Fine. If you’re not mine, you won’t be anyone’s. This bomb on your jacket—it can only be defused by a remote. If I destroy the remote, there’s no way out.

He left Emma with a cruel grin, I’ll give you some time to think. Me or death.

Meanwhile, the police had tracked the car’s route. Daniel and his team reached the area and began searching the vicinity.

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