01 - Campus Chronicles

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It's finally the day, the one awaited moment of our life, college. Well.. that rule doesn't always apply to everyone. After a long good time on break before starting a new chapter of our lives, I get to see and relapse all the bullshit I've been through. Fortunately, I still managed to get myself into the "star section" despite my grades hanging like a damn thread. 

As the morning sun spilled golden light across the campus, I stood at the entrance of The University of Natlan, my heart racing with a mix of excitement and nerves. The grand stone archway loomed above me, adorned with ivy and an intricate inscription: "Hard work blossoms sweet results." She took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the moment.

With a gentle push, the heavy wooden doors creaked open, revealing a bustling atrium filled with the vibrant energy of new beginnings. Students swarmed around me, just like a kaleidoscope of laughter, chatter, and the rustle of backpacks. The air was rich with the scent of freshly brewed coffee from a nearby café, mingling with the faint aroma of delicious food by the cafeteria.

Inside, the walls were lined with colorful posters advertising clubs and events—everything from the debate team to late-night study sessions. I felt a rush of possibility, each flyer whispering promises of friendship, adventure, and self-discovery.

As I stepped further in, my footsteps were echoing against the polished marble floor. To my left, a group of students huddled around a table, deep in conversation about their classes, and to my right, another cluster animatedly discussed weekend plans, their enthusiasm infectious. My nerves began to fade, replaced by a sense of belonging.

As I walked toward the main hallway, my gaze was drawn to the several floors above me, seeing a new environment giving me a resemblance of a sanctuary of knowledge. I imagined spending countless hours within its quiet embrace, losing myself in the pages of countless stories and ideas. With each step, I felt her world expanding. I even envisioned late-night study sessions, spontaneous adventures, and meaningful connections. The doors I had just crossed through weren't just an entrance to a building; they were a gateway to new experiences, a canvas for my dreams.

Being lost in thought, that's when I heard it. RIIIIIIIIINNNNGGGG!!!! Shit. I was already late for my first day here? The hallways were now swarmed with students, in a fast pace, going to their classes. Without even thinking straight, I followed one of them, hoping and praying I'd be in the right class. Heck- I didn't even have my schedule yet, what was I supposed to do? I'd be humiliated I-

Until I felt a tap on my shoulder, a blonde, tall boy was behind me, asking for where his class would possibly be. Although, he spoke in a tone filled with sass.

"Oh I haven't introduced myself yet- The name's Kaveh, and yours?" Kaveh spoke.
"Y/N, that's the name. I'm probably not your best navigator at this time, I'm still looking for my class as well." I replied, slightly awkward, not used to talking with strangers yet.

"Ah, I see, maybe just barge in some random classroom hoping for the best? Who knows, maybe luck would be on our side today." The blonde boy suggested, why the hell would I risk my supposed-to-be reputation before I even built it?! But before I could even reply, he just dragged me into a random classroom having their homeroom. At least he DID apologize for being "late"...

We sat in different sides due to the only seats vacant are the ones on the corners of the room. And I just HAD to take the seat at the back of the class, that damn blonde had to get the better seat.

I was sitting next to a boy, slightly tanned skin, black hair with blue undertones, and heck- don't even get me started with his eyes. They were so fucking gorgeous-

Wait. I'm suddenly looking at him like some crazy girl?? I don't even know this guy!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10 ⏰

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