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The night was dark and silent, except for the occasional rustle of leaves or the hoot of an owl. Brightpaw, a young ThunderClan warrior, was on patrol with her mother, SilverStripe, and two other clanmates, Lionclaw and Willowtail. They were checking the border with WindClan, ensuring no intruders had crossed their territory.

Brightpaw loved being on patrol with her mother. Silverstripe was a brave and loyal warrior, who had taught Brightpaw everything she knew about hunting, fighting, and living by the warrior code, alongside Brightpaw's mentor, BerryMoon. Brightpaw admired her mother more than anyone else in the clan and hoped to be just like her someday.

As they neared the border, Brightpaw sniffed the air. She detected a faint scent of RiverClan cats, which was old and stale. She relaxed, thinking that there was no sign of trouble. She looked at her mother, who nodded approvingly.

"Good job, Brightpaw," SilverStripe said, "You have a keen nose. But don't let your guard down. RiverClan cats are sneaky and fast. They could be hiding anywhere."

Brightpaw nodded, feeling a surge of pride. She followed her mother as they continued along the border, marking it with their scent. Lionclaw and Willowtail were behind them, keeping an eye on the surroundings.

Suddenly, a loud yowl broke the silence. Brightpaw whipped around and saw a flash of brown fur leaping out of the shadows. It was a RiverClan warrior, followed by several others. They had ambushed them from behind!

"It's an ambush!" Silverstripe shouted.

Brightpaw felt a surge of fear and anger. How dare they attack them on their territory? She unsheathed her claws and prepared to fight. She saw her mother do the same, facing the enemy with courage and defiance.

Brightpaw lunged at the nearest RiverClan cat, a wiry tom with yellow eyes. She bit his ear and scratched his face, making the tom yowl in pain. He retaliated by raking his claws across her eye, drawing blood. Brightpaw yowled in pain and clawed back with all her strength.

She glanced at her mother, who was fighting a large gray she-cat with green eyes. Silverstripe dodged her attacks and landed a blow on her nose, making her bleed. The she-cat snarled and lunged at Silverstripe's throat.

Brightpaw felt a surge of panic. She wanted to help her mother, but she was busy with her opponent. She hoped that Lionclaw or Willowtail would come to her aid.

But they were nowhere to be seen.

Brightpaw realized with horror that they had been cut down and overwhelmed by the RiverClan cats. They had been outnumbered!

She heard her mother scream in agony.

She looked up and saw the gray she-cat standing over Silverstripe's body, her jaw stained with blood.

"Brightpaw, Run away!" Silverstripe Yowled

Brightpaw felt a wave of grief and fear wash over her.

"I-I can't move," Brightpaw whimpered.

Brightpaw was now alone in the fight against several Riverclan warriors, paralyzed from fear.

Suddenly, a large tom tabby with blue eyes punched and pinned BrightPaw to the ground.

"Well well, looks like this cowardly apprentice tried to be a hero." The tabby lifted his paw into the air and unsheathed his claws.

"Tigerblood!" a voice shouted.

Tigerblood turned around to look at the large gray she-cat.

"Let this one go, let her tell ThunderClan what has happened, and let it be a warning to what's coming," the Gray she-cat demanded.

Tigerblood lifted his paw off Brightpaw.

"Go now, before she changes her mind," Tigerblood hissed, pointing in the direction of the ThunderClan Camp.

Brightpaw scrambled to her feet and began running, never looking back toward the battlefield where her mother lay limp and covered in blood.

Brightpaw ran through the gorse tunnel and into the camp, covered in blood and scratches.

"The patrol is back," one cat yowled.

"Why is only Brightpaw here? Where are the others?" another cat meowed.

"R-RiverClan...ambushed u-us," Brightpaw meowed out of breath before collapsing onto the ground

"Brightpaw!" Berrypaw yowled as he ran over the Brightpaw.

"Someone get Rainfur," Berrypaw yowled with tears in his eyes.

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