Chapter 8

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"Like thieves, we are all in love with stolen hearts."


After an excruciating Saturday afternoon babysitting our neighbour's two boys, I went home to get ready for my date. I was tired and my legs were aching from playing basketball and soccer with the kids all day. I wasn't really in the mood to go out.

The house was quiet when I walked in. Miranda was in her room as usual and I couldn't spot Mom anywhere. I called out for her and heard her respond from the backward. I walked out to see her sitting on the deck with Mariam, having a glass of red wine. "Hey, I have a date tonight. Just wanted to let you know."

Mom instantly perked up. "With who? You never talked about any boy."

"His name is Michael," I said. "He's picking me up at six, you can meet him then." I was a little nervous about Mom meeting Michael because I'd only ever dated one other guy, and that was a short-lived relationship in my sophomore year. I had no idea how she'd react to Michael. Mom and Mariam asked me a few questions about Michael and I sat down and told them about him. It was important to me that they liked him.

An hour later, I went upstairs, stood in front of my closet and groaned. I had no idea what to wear. Did people dress casual on dates? I sent Anne pictures of some outfit ideas, hoping she could help me out.

Anne immediately texted back, telling me to wear my dark green cotton dress with some nude strappy wedges. I did my makeup a little more dramatic than usual and blow dried my hair with a round brush so it fell in soft waves down my back. I looked in the full length mirror and smiled at how nicely the whole look came together.

As I stepped into the living room, Jake and Mom turned to look at me. I rubbed the material of the dress between my fingers nervously as I sat down on the couch.

Mom grinned. "You look stunning."

I thanked her and my eyes went to Jake. Our gazes locked, and the intensity of his stare took my breath away. I willed myself to swallow, my throat suddenly very parched.

My skin burned as I broke our gaze. "He'll be here any minute," I told Mom. I put on my wedges, my clammy hands slipping on the material.

Mom got up to go to the bathroom and I was suddenly very aware of Jake's presence.

"Where are you going?"

The fact that he's spoken startled me, and I mumbled, "Uh, just dinner and a movie."

He looked like he wanted to say something, but decided against it. "Be safe," he said finally.

"It's Michael," I said, in response.

He wouldn't look at me. "Yeah, it is. Call me if you need anything. Seriously Jules, anything."

I realized that this was probably the longest conversation we've had and it was Jake acting like a protective older brother.

"I can take care of myself," I said flatly. Michael decided to show up then which was perfect because I didn't think I could say another word to Jake without cursing at him. I opened up the door and smiled at him.

"Well, you sure know how to clean up nice," I said, stepping up to give him a peck on his cheek. He looked great. He was wearing a dark purple crewneck sweater with some black jeans. His dirty blond was styled lightly so that it was dishevelled. I could smell a hint of cologne when I stepped close. He grinned when he saw me checking him out openly.

"You look gorgeous Lauren," he said, handing me a small bouquet of pretty pink roses. I blushed, taking the flowers from him.

"Hey Michael," Jake said, coming up behind me.

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