Chapter 16: Savannah's POV

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Savannah's POV

"We're going down

and you know that we're doomed.

My dear,

we're slow dancing

in a burning room."


I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of my mother's gentle hands in my hair. I hadn't sat down like this to get my hair braided since I was thirteen. If I tried hard enough, I could almost make myself believe that I was thirteen; getting my hair braided before school. Almost.

Thirteen was such a simple age. So full of innocence and wonder. The biggest worry I had was hoping I didn't miss the new episode of Friends.

"How're the girls?" my mom asked, bringing me back to reality.

"They're good," I replied. "They're so busy now, so independent and ready to take on the world. Can you believe they're eighteen? They were just starting high school yesterday!"

She laughed. "I feel the same about you. I could be rushing to get you ready for school right now."

I smiled, my feelings bittersweet. "It's crazy how fast the time has gone by."

My mom took the hair tie off her wrist and tied off the end of my braid. "There you are."

"Thanks Ma," I said, stretching my back.

"You look so young in that dress. You always used to wear those cotton summer dresses all year round when you were younger."

I laughed. "They're so easy! I'm always in work clothes now, who has time to keep changing outfits?"

"I know darling," my mom said, going into the kitchen. "You work too hard."

I shrugged. "It works."

I noticed her walking getting more and more staggered within the past couple of years and mentioned getting cane. She almost fainted at the thought.

My mom came back to the couch and handed me a cup of tea.

"Why didn't you tell me Steven came here?" I blurted out.

"Why didn't you tell me you went to see him?" she countered.

I crossed my arms. "That's not fair."

My mother sighed, sitting down. "He came here a lot. I just didn't let him in until last month."

"What do you mean?" I asked slowly. I got up and sat beside her on the couch.

"Well, he threatened to break into my house honey. I thought it was time I let him speak to me."

"Excuse me?"

My mother looked uncomfortable. "It was the tenth time he'd came to the house, trying to speak with me. I may have been behaving a little irrationally."

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