Chapter 14: Savannah's POV

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"You're still all over me

like a wine-stained dress

I can't wear anymore."


"Listen to me Savannah, stop freaking out. Nothing's going to happen. He wants to talk. Just talk. Relax. Breathe. Everything will be fine," Mariam said, hugging me.

Nothing would be fine. This was a bad idea, a stupid idea. We could talk over the phone, we didn't need to be face to face for that. I should've told him that. There were a lot of things I should have told him. Like how he was an inconsiderate jerk. And how I couldn't stand the sight of him, so really we shouldn't be meeting at all. Except I'd be lying through my teeth.

The girls had no idea I was meeting up with Steven today. The thought of telling Lauren made me more nervous than when I had to tell my mother I'd gotten engaged. That girl had too much emotion, she'd have a meltdown or she'd burst a vein if I indicated that Steven wanted back into our lives. I had that coming though, she'd seen me cry in the night more then anyone else because she was such a light sleeper.

I was putting off getting ready because that indicated that I'd have to eventually leave the house. I waited until I had fifteen minutes and I absolutely had to. I changed my clothes three times before finally throwing on my usual work attire in disgust. A pair of my comfortable dress pants and a soft cream blouse. I should not be treating this like a date, it was anything but.

There wasn't much I could do about my hair though, brown and straight as it always was, so I just left it down and put on some lipstick. I looked in the mirror and tried to pinch some colour into my cheeks. I felt nauseous and looked like corpse.

How fitting, I was going to meet with the devil anyway.

I walked down Main Street, clutching my purse like it was a life preserver. As I turned the street and spotted Starbucks, I turned around about five times only to force myself to continue walking in the same direction. What the hell was wrong with me? I'm sure he wasn't worried at all about today, probably wanted to get it over with. I needed to get my act together or I'd die of heart failure or something. This couldn't be healthy.

I opened the door, walked in and looked around. He was probably late-

Then I spotted him, sitting at a table in the corner. He looked up at the same time as if he felt my gaze on him. Then I realized he was talking to someone. A women, a very beautiful one at that, I couldn't help but notice. Light brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, long legs and dressed elegantly.

Steven, now he had changed. Not too much but I'd had him memorized before so I noticed the subtle differences. He had gotten fit again, I noticed, feeling annoyed at my appraising. He stopped caring about his health when he had started drinking. His hair was longer then I expected but it looked good on him. Everything did. His green eyes were brighter now, the light back in them. I'd gotten so used to seeing them vacant because he'd been drunk more times than he was sober.

Long Legs was now laughing at something he said. I wanted to kill him then. And her too. This is why he asked me to come, so he could show me his new toy? Rub it in my face and torture me a little more?

I didn't think my heart could break anymore, but it was still happening. It felt like a dull pain I'd grown used to. It had been a bad idea to come, I'd known it. I turned around to walk back out when I heard him call my name. He motioned for me to come over. He truly had to be an idiot to think I would come near him after that.

The women got up, told him goodbye and walked right passed me without so much as acknowledging me. I guess I was too below her for that. There's a word for people like that. Rhymes with witch.

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