Chapter 23

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On our last night at the cottage, everyone decided to spend the evening by the water. The sun was setting and the oranges and pinks in the sky reflected off of the clear water, making it look magical. A picnic table full of hot dogs and burgers was awaiting us under the shaded gazebo that Jason had set up. I slipped on a lightweight floral dress and pulled back my hair with a glittery stretchy hair band. It occurred to me that I probably looked five but it felt so nice to have my face makeup free and being able to feel the light ocean breeze through the fabric of the dress.

Cool sand cushioned my steps as I walked down to the beach. A few minutes later, the gazebo came into view. The light from the lamp made it look like it was glowing against the darkening sky. Mom was manning the grill while Mariam prepared the hot dogs and burgers for everyone. I passed an old couple walking hand in hand and smiled at the serenity on their facial expression. As I got closer, I heard the slow tune of John Mayer's Gravity coming from the radio sitting by the table.

"Lauren!" Mom yelled when she saw me. She pointed to the grill and I shook my head, not feeling hungry.

I walked over to Anne and plopped down on a beach chair beside her. "I'm going to tell my mom about Jake tomorrow before we leave." I'd told everyone except our families and that was finally going to change. It was miserable having to watch my every move around Jake.

Anne peered at me over her sunglasses and then nodded at something behind me. "Look over there."

I twisted my head and sank back down on the chair when I saw Jake and Miranda having a heated conversation down by the shore. He looked pissed off with his arms crossed and he rocked back on his heel when Miranda said something. She was flailing her hands around like she was trying to convince him about something. He listened for a few minutes and this his face softened at whatever she'd said. I couldn't help but wander what they were talking about but I didn't want to pry about a conversation that was clearly only between them.

Later, when dusk had fallen and people were starting to head back to Jason's place for another party, Jake came up to me and asked if I wanted to dance. Once the place had died down, someone had switched the playlist to slow songs and people were slow dancing by the light of the gazebo. I smiled and took his hand.

"I'm never dancing barefoot with you again," he said after I stepped on his toes for the tenth time.

"Shut up, you love finally being better at something."

"You have the worst hand eye coordination I've ever seen."

"That's not what you were saying when I won the volleyball game for us," I said haughtily.

"You?" he said, barking out a laugh. "I clearly won us that game. Remember how many shots I blocked?"

"Too bad you didn't score any because your volleyball skills suck ass."

He gave me a serious look as he leaned in. "I scored you."

A second later I was clutching my stomach from laughing so hard. "That had got to be the worst line in the history of lines."

"You're awful," he said, blocking my arms as I tried to tickle him. "Is that better? Romantic enough for you?"

I stepped up on my toes to kiss his cheek and said, "I'm sure Goldilocks appreciates your pick up lines."

He groaned. "Jason is actually pushing it with the cheesy lines. I don't understand how chicks fall for that crap."

"They don't," I said, snorting. "I hardly think they get with him to make conversation. What's up with him anyway?"

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