Chapter 3

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Later that week at school, I was rummaging through my locker trying to find my English book when something hit my shoulder and then I felt cold liquid run down my back.

"What the hell!" I yelped, spinning around.

A boy from my Calculus class stood behind me wearing a shell shocked expression on his face. I was totally blanking and could not remember his name for the life of me.

He held an empty bottle of Gatorade in his hand.

I realized I was wearing a white shirt and now people were starting to look over. I could feel the liquid in my hair too. Just what I needed.

My face started to heat up as I tried to pull the sticky material away from my back while glaring at the boy who was now looking at me with a guilty expression.

"Shit man, I'm so sorry, I didn't even realize it was open," he sputtered out. Telling by his shocked expression, he was probably telling the truth. I sighed.

"It's fine," I said, trying to remember if I had my running gear with me. I could just change into that. Nope, left that at home.

I saw Anne coming up to us with her eyebrow raised.

"Hey Michael, what's up," Anne said to the guy. Michael. That was it.

"Got a little sweaty there Lauren?" Anne asked me, smiling sweetly.

"Haha, hilarious. Give me your cardigan." I said to her.

She shook her head and said, "Uh, do you know how hard it was to find something that would go with this top?"

I was actually going to kill her.

"Well that's totally fine, wouldn't want my situation ruining your fashion sense now would we," I said, gritting my teeth. I could bring up Tyler right now. She'd probably give it to me right away to shut me up. I was awful.

Michael leaned down to his backpack and pulled out a hoodie.

"Here, take this, it was my fault anyway. Really sorry again," he said, handing it to me. He looked just a tad bit intimidated and I had stop myself from laughing out loud. He was actually kinda cute when he wasn't throwing Gatorade at innocent bystanders.

I looked at him uncertainly. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah go ahead, you can give it to me whenever, pretty sure I have Calc with you. You're Miranda's sister right? Lauren?" he asked, putting on his backpack.

"Yeah, thank you so much. I'll give it to you tomorrow." I said gratefully.

"No worries," he said, smiling. "I'll see you later."

Anne started laughing as soon as he walked away and I shot her a dirty look as I grabbed my things.

Anne leaned against the lockers and smirked. "Well he's certainly nice, offering you his hoodie and all. It's like you're already dating."

"Anne, sometimes I have to wonder if you're on something, like, 80% of the time," I replied, shutting my locker.

"Oh c'mon, he's cute," she said, laughing.

"He is cute," I replied, grinning.

He certainly smelled nice, I thought putting on his hoodie. That's always a plus.

"'s Tyler doing?" I asked innocently.

"Shut up, I couldn't remember if I shaved my pits, that's why I didn't wanna give it to you. I was trying to maintain a little bit of dignity when your boyfriend was here," she said, flipping her hair.

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