Chapter 5: The Mining Conspiracy

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Sarah Chen jolted awake to the insistent buzz of her phone. Blinking away the remnants of a fitful sleep, she fumbled for the device on her nightstand. The screen glowed with an urgent message from Jack: "Turn on the news. Now."

Heart racing, Sarah grabbed the remote and flicked on the TV. The headline scrolling across the bottom of the screen made her blood run cold: "MASSIVE POWER OUTAGE HITS CRYPTO MINING HUB IN MONTANA."

The news anchor's voice filled the room: "In an unprecedented event, the entire power grid of Butte, Montana, has gone dark. The city, known for its large concentration of cryptocurrency mining operations, is experiencing a complete blackout. Authorities are investigating the cause, but early reports suggest a possible cyber attack on the power infrastructure."

Sarah's mind raced. This was no coincidence. Not with everything they'd uncovered about TechNova and the dark underbelly of the crypto world. She dialed Jack's number, her fingers trembling slightly.

"I'm on my way," Jack said the moment he picked up, not even waiting for Sarah to speak. "Meet me at the warehouse in 30 minutes."

As Sarah hurried to get dressed, her phone buzzed again. This time, it was Mark. "I'm guessing you've seen the news," she said as she answered.

"Yeah," Mark replied, his voice tense. "This has to be connected to our case, right?"

"I think so," Sarah said, zipping up her boots. "Meet us at Jack's in 30. And Mark... be careful. I have a feeling things are about to get a lot more dangerous."

The pre-dawn streets of San Francisco were eerily quiet as Sarah made her way to Jack's hideout. The city seemed to be holding its breath, unaware of the digital storm brewing beneath its surface.

When she arrived, Jack was already hunched over his computer setup, multiple screens displaying news feeds, power grid schematics, and lines of code Sarah couldn't begin to decipher. Mark arrived moments later, looking as sleep-deprived and on edge as Sarah felt.

"What have you got, Jack?" Sarah asked, peering over his shoulder.

Jack's fingers flew across the keyboard as he spoke. "This wasn't just a power outage. It was a coordinated attack on multiple mining pools in the area. Look at this."

He pulled up a graph showing the Bitcoin network's hash rate - a measure of the total computational power being used to mine and process transactions. The line had taken a sharp dive.

"The attack knocked out about 15% of the global mining power," Jack explained. "That might not sound like much, but in the world of crypto, it's massive. It's causing chaos in the markets."

Mark frowned, leaning in to study the graph. "I don't get it. Why would someone want to attack Bitcoin miners? What's the endgame here?"

Sarah's mind was already connecting the dots. "It's not about attacking Bitcoin itself," she said slowly. "It's about manipulating the market. With a significant portion of the mining power offline, the remaining miners have a much higher chance of solving the next block and earning the reward."

Jack nodded approvingly. "Exactly. And if you knew this attack was coming..."

"You could position yourself to profit enormously," Sarah finished. "But who has the resources and the motive to pull off something like this?"

Jack's expression darkened. "I have a theory, but you're not going to like it." He pulled up another screen, this one showing a complex web of transactions and wallet addresses. At the center was a familiar name: TechNova.

"No way," Mark breathed. "You think TechNova is behind this too?"

Jack nodded grimly. "Look at these transactions. In the hours leading up to the attack, there was a massive influx of funds into mining operations outside of Montana. And guess where a significant portion of that money came from?"

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