Minutes before the fall...
The morning air in Minato-Ku was crisp as Daiki, Yara, and Chiro walked through the streets, taking a moment to catch up after the whirlwind events of yesterday. Their Digimon Flamemon, Strabimon, and Lopmon walked nearby in their invisible holographic forms, blending seamlessly with the bustling city. They were trying to process everything since becoming Tamers under the guidance of a girl named Echo.
(Chiro) "I still can't believe we're actually Tamers now. It's... surreal."
(Yara) "Yeah, and the fact that our Digimon partners already knew Echo. What are the chances?"
(Flamemon) "It's not about chances, it's fate. Echo has been preparing for something big something that involves all of us."
Strabimon chuckles.
(Strabimon) "For once... you actually speaking wisely."
Flamemon blushes after he said that.
(Lopmon) "We're meant to face this together. With the other Tamers in Tokyo, and that unknown date we sure we need to help them. As we can meet them that is."
(Strabimon) "But knowing Echo, she only tells you what she wants you to know. It's frustrating, but she's never wrong."
Daiki frowned as he adjusted the strap of his shoulder bag, glancing at the city skyline.
(Daiki) "I don't like the sound of that. It makes me feel like we're being led into something dangerous without knowing the full story. I mean the deal with that Devimon, the Gazimons, the Weapons..."
(Yara) "We just need to keep our heads straight and trust each other. It's all we can do for now."
Suddenly, a low rumble vibrated through the ground beneath their feet. Daiki paused mid-step, eyes widening. The rumble quickly grew into a violent tremor that sent waves of panic through the streets. Minato-Ku's normally calm atmosphere shattered as windows rattled and cars swerved, crashing into each other.
(Chiro) "What the hell? An earthquake?!"
(Strabimon) "No, this feels different more like a rip between worlds. Stay alert!"
Yara grabbed onto a nearby lamp post to steady herself as the ground quaked violently. Daiki instinctively reached for his Digivice, trying to keep balance as the streets around them buckled.
(Yara) "Daiki, Chiro, look out!"
A nearby building cracked loudly, sending chunks of concrete raining down onto the street. Civilians screamed and scattered, seeking shelter as the situation quickly spiraled out of control. Daiki's police instincts kicked in, shouting directions to the panicked crowds.
(Daiki) "Everyone, stay calm! Move to open spaces and away from buildings!"
But his voice was drowned out by the roar of collapsing structures and the blaring of car alarms.
(Strabimon) "Everyone! Materialized us now!"
Daiki and Chiro got there Digivices out to have Flamemon, Lopmon and Strabimon materialized beside them, dropping their holographic forms and bracing themselves for action.
(Flamemon) "We have to get people to safety, now! This isn't just an earthquake. It's something worse!"
As if to prove Flamemon's point, a deep, unnatural growl echoed from the depths of the earth, cutting through the chaos like a knife. Daiki's eyes darted toward the horizon, where a distant dark shape seemed to ripple in the sky a tear in reality itself.
Di-Di-Di: Digimon Lotus, Book 1: New Gen of Tamers
Fanfic(This is made in August 11th, 2024) In the Modern Day world like us... There's Digimon... As an ruthless army tightening the world's grip One teenage girl and her loyal friends Chosen by an unknown entity Will rise up to become a new Gen of Tamers o...