[ Episode 10 | The Twin Brother, The Pen-Pal and the Dog ]

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Back at Shinjuku Train Station, Daiki, Chiro and Yara are with Haruka at the secured area where the Commandramons are patrolling the area along with some citizens just around the others until some more news about the rescue. Yara just finished explaining to Haruka about the Digimon.

(Haruka) "So, you're telling me these... Digimon things are real? Like, actually real? Not just some big prank? They're actual living creatures from another world?"

(Yara) "Yes, exactly. They're as real as you and me. Commandramon here-

She gestures to a nearby Commandramon patrolling the perimeter.

(Yara) "Is part of the effort to help us, not just against other Digimon, but with maintaining order here."

(Haruka) "He's got a huge gun. Why does he need that?"

Commandramon pausing mid-stride to glance at Haruka.

(Commandramon) "For protection. It is highly effective."

Haruka startled then steps back.

(Haruka) "He, he talks? He really talks?!"

(Daiki) "Yeah, uh, they all do. You'll get used to it."

(Haruka) "This is the weirdest thing I've ever seen. And I've seen Mum try to dance."

(Chiro) "You should've seen our faces when we saw the Digivolution. I thought I was dreaming."

(Haruka) "Can you blame me? First, it's digital monsters, now it's evolving digital monsters? How is any of this possible?"

(Yara) "Trust me, I've been asking myself the same thing since this all started. But right now, understanding why doesn't matter as much as figuring out how to help people. And that includes finding the missing ones."

(Haruka) "You're right. I just-

Haruka pauses, looking at the citizens milling around nervously.

(Haruka) "I've never felt this... out of my depth. All these people, just waiting for answers, and I don't have any to give them."

(Commandramon) "Answers will come. Focus on maintaining order. Panic is the enemy."

(Haruka) "Easy for you to say, lizard Rambo."

(Commandramon) "Comparison accepted. "Rambo" is an effective combatant."

(Yara) "Don't let him hear you call him "lizard." He's very serious about protocol."

(Daiki) "And firearms."

(Chiro) "Okay, enough joking. What's the update on the rescue teams?"

(Yara) "That is why we're waiting for our partners."

(Haruka) "Good. Because sitting here doing nothing is driving me crazy."

(Daiki) "Welcome to the team.

Flamemon and Strabimon shows up along with Lopmon from the left side.

(Flamemon) "Sorry about that, all the parents of the kids are thanking us for the rescue from that poop Digimon."

(Lopmon) "One of them pulled my ears because they are too curious."

(Strabimon) "But, I did bring some food for Haruka."

(Haruka) "Oh thank you!"

(Flamemon) "But I haven't forgot you too!"

Flamemon got out the food for Daiki.

(Daiki) "No thank you."

(Flamemon) "What? We been walking through a chaos ridden city, fighting Sukamon who tried to capture children then meeting GulusGammamon and you are still not hungry?!"

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