Cat And Mouse (2p England)

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With a smirk you watched the red liquid pour out of your side. If he wanted to play, then so be it. "Bring it on. I'm not scared of you. . . Oliver." 


Just hours before you were smiling at the small bakery that you worked at. "Thank you very much~ Please come again~!" You said cheerfully to the lady who just picked up her cookies. 

"You know I will _____!" 

You placed the twenty dollar bill in the cash register then returned to your job of frosting the cupcakes. 

"Good job poppet~!" Your coworker Oliver smiled and pat your head. 

"Thanks Oliver."

"Call me Ollie. I oh so hate that name remember~?" The boy grinned and put more cupcakes in the display window. 

"What flavor this time?" You asked as you continued to frost. 


"What does Italian even taste like?" You giggled.

"Wanna bite poppet~?"

"No thanks. I just had lunch."

"Suit yourself." He shrugged and took a bite of the red cupcake. 

>Le time skip broght to you by cupcakes>

It was closing time and you were closing up the shop by putting all leftover sweets in the fridge and cleaning the tables. That's everything. . . you thought. 

You were alone in the shop, Oliver had gone home early  becuase he was sick and he left you to lock up on your own. He even gave you his pink key with the cupcake handle. He was such a child. 

Taking the cupcake key, you locked up the shop and started to walk down the street. All of a sudden, a pair of hands covered your mouth with a rag. Is that. . .? Oh shit . . . chloroform! Was what you thought before you slipped into unconsciousness.


You woke with a start as the sunlight hit your face. What a weird dream! Wait a minute. Beneath you felt like. . . leaves? What the hell? The last thing you remembered was the chloroform and the hands. You were taken off the street! You frantically looked around, you were sitting in the woods on the ground. 

Chills were sent down your spine as you froze. Someone was behind you. You quickly spun around and saw a boy with a cheshire smile. It gave you goosebumps. You squinted your eyes to see who it was. Wait was that. . .?


"Hello poppet. How did you sleep? Don't lie, I was watching you~" His smile widened as he walked up to you and leaned over you. 

"Oliver!? What the hell is going on?!" You demanded, carefully aware of the psychotic smile on your friend's face.

"Oh you see _____.  I like you and I want to play a game~" He looked into your eyes and grabbed your hand in his own. Oliver helped you off the ground.

"What kind of game. . ?" You asked, trailing off.

"Let me explain. You get a ten minute head start to run away and hide. If I can't find you then I will let you go~ But if I catch you, you're mine and I can do what ever I want with you~" He purred like a cat.

"No way! Let me go Oliver!!" You growled and pulled  you hand back from his grip. 

His eyes grew dark. "You shouldn't have done that _____~" He grinned evily and you decided to run.

You had to get out of here -where ever that was- ! Your feet hit the leaves with force as you sprinted away from the crazed lunatic you once had a crush on. You had to get away and fast or you could be the next murder case on your favorite crime show! That was not going to happen!

For sure you weren't going to trip like in those cliche fanfictions! Your thoughts were running wild. (XD Get it?! Hetalia guys: Angie just stop! Me: I'm not sorreh!) You were starting to get sweaty and your legs were getting heavy. Running was not on your list of things to do today. In fact, getting chased by your crazed crush wasn't either! 

"Oh _____~! You can't run from me~! I know this propperty like my cupcake recipies~!" He purred from somewhere.

You looked around as you ran and he was nowhere to be seen. Then, you felt a sharp pain in your side and went down. 

You looked down and saw a pink kitchen knife in your side. You winced in pain as you quickly pulled it out. The knife wasn't that big. It was more like a steak knife. 

"Caught you poppet~" He grinned. "Sorry about the owie. I didn't want you to leave me~"

Owie? How old is he? You thought. You were beyond mad, you were furious. He threw a knife at you!

You wiped some blood from your lip and tasted the sweet tase of iron. You looked up at your attacker. It can't end like this! I refuse to let it!

With a smirk you watched the red liquid pour out of your side. If he wanted to play, then so be it. "Bring it on. I'm not scared of you. . . Oliver." 

"Oh goodie~! That was never my intention. And please poppet, it's Ollie." He smiled and held out a hand to you. 

You glared and turned away. "I'm fine."

"You look tired. You cannot play like this. I shall take you to my house." He insisted. 

"Go with you?! I'd rather take my chances with the animals out here! You're a psychopathic ass! You could've killed me!" You yelled as you got up. 

"Fine. Be that was poppet~" He smiled and slung you over his shoulder. 

"Let me go! I am going back to my house and my normal life you psyco!" 

Oliver laughed. "That's adorable, you think you can leave poppet~"


This is short and bad sorry! Oliver is bae though!

Thank you to all my original readers! 

Oh and if you've read this far here's a little contest for a shoutout! If you can guess who is going to be in the one shot below then you win a shout out yay!

Next time: *Lean On (?????)






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