Guardian Angel (2p Norway)

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A/N: In this we will see a different side of 2p Norway that I think needs to exist it showd that he it not always happy. This will be a bit feelsy so beware. ALSO: Some themes may be triggering!


Fire. All he could feel was his flesh burning. The stimulating feeling made him want to scream in a mixture of pure pleasure and pain. He didn't know which to feel. Which was right? The Norwegian male wanted to move his arm, oh how he desperately did, but he couldn't find the strength to do it. His crimson eyes flickered with the amber light of the fire. This made him look even more insane than he really was. 

He stared into the flames that seemed to dance in their own intriguing way. He envied them; dancing with heat and passion, always warm. Unlike him, who was always cold to the touch. Ever since he was young he longed for the heat. He always guessed that that was the reason why they called him a pyromaniac.

He didn't mean to be crazy. It just came naturally. That's why they locked him up. They said he was dangerous. Unfortunately for them, they were right.

A nurse screamed. "Fire! Doctor! Fire!" She pulled the alarm and ran down the hall. The brunette nurse didn't even bother to let him out of the burning room. Most of the nurses and doctors thought he should die.

And he was perfectly fine with dying the the flames he loved so much. He felt his eyes close and his vision got cloudy. He could finally be at peace... 

"You idiot! Don't just give up!" He heard a voice and saw a flash of (h/c) hair. He stared up at the mysterious girl. A smile appeard on his face. 

"Are you an angel~?" He asked, eyes half lidded. He locked his eyes on to her concerned (e/c). She wasn't a nurse because he had never seen her before. 

"Take my hand and I'll tell you!" She practically yelled as she extended her (skin/color) hand out to him. 

He shook his head. "No. Just let my did here..." He mumbled. "In the fire where I want to be..." 

She narrowed her eyes angrily. "Lokki you goddamned idiot!" She yelled and grabbed his hand. 

Lokki uttered some words of protest but he was in too much pain and despair to struggle. She dragged him out of the room, down the hall, and eventually out of the building by an oak tree. She smiled down at him and cupped his face in her hands. "Remember this Lokki my love... Never give up. Always fight to live. Always. I'm not sure if we'll see each other again, but for now it's goodbye..." She leaned down and kissed his cheek. 

"Who are you? What's your name?" He asked, still a little dazed from the kiss. 

"_____. My name is _____." She smiled, her white dress blowing in the breeze. "Goodbye my love~" 

With that, she dissapeared in a flash. Lokki passed out as soon as the institution's staff reached him. 


Lokki opened his eyes slowly only to be blinded by a bright light. Had he died in those flames? No. There was someone there... A girl? He felt underneath him and recognized the cheap fabric sheets. He groaned. He was back in the mental hospital. Why couldn't she just let him become consumed by the heat? He shivered. It was too cold. "The fire was much warmer..." He mumbled and pulled the sheets further over his frail body. 

The girl flashed in his vision for a second and he was taken back. It was a girl. "Her name was _____ and... called me...her love?" He said to on one in particular. I don't remember ever knowing a (h/c) haired girl as angelic as her... He thought, biting small flakes of skin off his blue lips. It really was too cold.

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