Are We Even Friends? (Nordic 5) {PART 2}

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Knock! Knock! Knock!

You wiped your teary eyes once more and went to open the door.

You turned the doorknob and opened your apartment's door.

"_____!!" You were tackle-hugged by all three boys. "WE'RE SO SORRY!"

"I-it's fine..." You awkwardly hugged back.

"I just can't believe it!" Alfred exclaimed with his arms crossed when you all broke from the huge hug.

"Yeah, me either. . ." You said sadly.

"Well, are you ready love?" Arthur asked.

You smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I can't wait to hang out with my real friends!"

"That's the spirit maple!"

"Yeah! Let's go to our house! SLEEPOVER HANG OUT TIME~!!" Alfred yelled and pulled you out the door.

"Wait Alfred! my phone!" You ran back in the living room, grabbed your phone, and ran out the door.

You didn't even reply when you saw you had texts from Emil.


Earlier. . .

"Hey Emil! Where's _____? I thought we were going to invite her over tonight to say thanks?" Mathias asked as Emil walked through the door.

"Yeah I just forgot...oops, I'll just text her." He pulled out his phone and went on Kik (DON'T OWN).

Emil: Hey _____, when I left, I totally forgot to ask you over! Oops :P

Emil: So do you wanna come over?

Emil clicked off his phone and waited.

6:50 PM. No reply.

"That's strange. . .?" Emil said out loud.

"What's strange?" Mathias said, face stuffed with a danish.

"No, it's just. . . _____ isn't replying."

"That is strange! I'll Text her!" He shoved the rest of the pastry in his mouth and grabbed his phone.

Mathias: Hey my queen! ;) R u coming over or what? Just wondering so we can hang :D

Mathias: Hello? Eskler?

_____: Leave me alone, I've moved on, and you don't have to rub it in ]:<

Mathias: What do you mean? #~#

>_____ has left the conversation<

Mathias: _____? You there? Eskler?

Mathias clicked off his phone and sighed.

"What's wrong?" Lukas asked as he walked into the room holding popcorn for their movie night with you.

"Apparently _____ has 'moved on'." He said sadly.

"She what?! Why?!" Emil and Lukas both exclaimed.

Mathias just shrugged and looked down at his feet. "I have no idea."

"Aww! That's no fair! I bet it's those jerks from Hetalia Public High!" Emil said.

"Yeah, I'll text my friend Alfred and see if he knows anything about it!" Mathias explained and grabbed his phone.


"Hahaha I totally beat you dudette~!" Alfred grinned.

You laughed. "Yeah, but I'll get you the next round Alfred Jones!"

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