Werewolves love pasta (Werewolf!Italy and Werewolf!Romano)

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So I was just at AAC in New Hampshire and there are so many Italys and no Germanys! Also no Romanos! Why?! Roma baby! There was a fricken Nyo!Norway and Denmark and they held hands and kissed OTP CONFIRMED!

I'm thinking of cosplaying as Romano since NO ONE does and that makes me sad. Would you like to see?

On with the chapter!

This is going to be so fun XD!


"_____! You look so cool dudette!" Your best friend Alfred cheered. His blue eyes practically sparkled through his Captain America mask. This Halloween he decided he would dress up his favorite hero (again).

You blushed and glanced down at your pasta dress. Yes, this year you were going as pasta. You wore a cute strapless dress that was red like spaghetti with pasta sauce and a fork on your head that looked like it was twirling the pasta. "Thanks! I love yours! Still fits from last year huh?" You laughed, poking fun at the American.

He nodded, not embarrassed at all. "Yeah! I was shocked too! I'm glad you could come!"

Your loud friend is holding his annual Halloween party. Of  course, he invited all his friends. Alfred had so many. And for some reason they were all from different nationalities. "I would miss it for the world. It's Halloween!" You always loved Halloween.

"My friends are so excited to meet you!" He grabbed your hand and pulled you inside. "_____'s here!" He yelled. All eyes were on you. You blushed slightly.

"Hey!" You awkwardly said. People weren't really your thing. Once you got to know them, you were okay, but first meetings weren't good. You were kind of awkward.

Unknown to you, certain Italians' jaws were dropped over in the corner. Everyone snickered at your costume.

"You look so good! Has Fe--?!" A spiky blonde boy exclaimed but a pale hand was slapped over his mouth. The pale boy shook his head.

"Has who? What?" You asked, shifting your weight on both feet.

"It's nothing. I'm Lukas and this is Mathias." The blonde, Lukas, said shaking his head to Mathias's actions.

"Hello. You already know me." You laughed lightly.

"I like you! You're funny! Want to hang out more often?!" Mathias yelled causing Lukas to slap him on the shoulder. "Sorry _____. My boyfriend doesn't like my loudness." He laughed.

Lukas's face went from angry, to embarrassed, then finally angrily embarrassed. He slapped him harder and his his face in his scarf. Lukas and Mathias were dressed as pirates. Mathias was red and Lukas was blue and they even wrote feathered hats. "I'm not your boyfriend..." He mumbled.

You smiled. They were so cute. "You're adorable but I'm going to go find Alfred. It was so nice to meet you two." You walked away but not before yelling. "Good luck with your boyfriend Mathias!"

The two Italians just stared at you as you walked by.

"But~a fratello! Why can't I~a go say~a hi? She looks~a so cute~a!"

"Because-a you idiot-a. We need-a to wait-a!"

The other frowned. "Okay."

"Good-a don't worry. We'll-a meet her. Just not-a now."


You waved one last time to all the new friends you met and your best one, Alfred. The loud boy frowned. "Awww! You can't stay over?" He whined, holding your arm like an attatched child.

"Sory Al. I have to get home. I'm a girl anyway." You laughed and stepped off his porch. The darkness covered you like a blanket and you started to shiver. Should've brought a jacket. You tthought with a brief sigh. It was cold but not unbearable.

As you walked down the street your thoughts wandered to what Mathias almost sad earlier before Lukas shut him up. "I wonder what he wanted?" You mumbled, shrugging to yourself. It must not be all that important I guess...


Your heart stopped and you whipped your head around. Badump...badump... Faster and faster. You didn't know what would be scarier, having someone be there or turning around and seeing no one. The latter.

No one was there.

You violently shook your head. "No _____. Don't worry. It's just a hallucination. You just need to sleep more." You tried to reassure yourself.

"Yes that's~a it~! A hallucination~!" The voice said again. This time you turned around even faster and put both your hands up in a karate stance.

This time there was a boy there about your age with a smile on his face. You tilted your head in confusion and narrowed your (e/c) eyes that reflected the moonlight ever so slightly. He had a little curl that stuck out and auburn hair. His eyes were closed and he had a huge smile on his olive features. Atop his head were two ears that were the same color as his hair. You looked behind him and saw a tail wagging. Italian. Dressed up as a dog, probably from Alfred's party. You concluded. "Who are you?"

His smile widened. "I'm~a Feliciano~!" Feliciano then turned his head and yelled. "It's~a okay fratello! You~a can come out~a now!"

Suddenly a figure jumped from a near rooftop and landed with a soft thud. "Ciao Ragazza."

You waved awkwardly. "You must be fratello?"

Feliciano laughed. "No~a! This is~a Lovino~! Fratello means~a brother in~a Italian."

"Oh...um...hi I guess...I'm--" You started to say awkwardly but were cut off by Lovino.

"We-a know _____." He said seriously.

"Okay so this has been...interesting but I have to go. It's late."

"No don't-a...!" Lovino grabbed your left arm and Feliciano your right. You were officially weirded out to the max. "I-a mean... Um.." Lovino stuttered, face turning red.

If you weren't almost being kidnapped you would've said he looked cute. The two were definitely attractive. The Italians both smiled sheepishly and shined large canine teeth.

You were taken back. Those costumes were highly realistic...

Wait. Your eyes widened. "Y-you're actually...!"

"No~a she found out~a!" Feliciano frowned briefly.

"I-a told you. It's-a fine. She's-a coming with-a us either way." Lovino shrugged.

Your eyes got wider. "I-I'm not going with you...! I barely know you!"

They both smirked. "You don't-a have a choice-a Ragazza."

"Both of you?! Why me?!"

"We~a can share~a~!" Feliciano cheered as all three of you disappeared into the night.


I have nothing to say except I


That is all.



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QOTD: Pruhun or Aushun?

That is all

Hasta la pasta~!

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