*Addicted To You (France)

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(The * means it's a song-fic, enjoy!)

I don't know just how it happened,

I let down my guard...

Swore I'd never fall in love again

But I fell hard.


You had just gotten through a horrible break up with your ex boyfriend, and were walking around the park.

"I can't believe he cheated on me!" You mumbled over and over in anger and sadness.


Guess I should have seen it coming,

Caught me by surprise...

I wasn't looking where I was going,

I fell into your eyes.


You were staining at the ground, too upset to even look up.

You kept on walking, your (h/c) hair swaying behind you as you did.

All of a sudden, CRASH!

It all happened so fast, you prepared your body to hit the hard ground and closed your (e/c) eyes, but the pain never came.

You looked up and saw a pair of blue eyes sparkling at you.


You came into my crazy world like a cool and cleansing wave.

Before I, I knew what hit me baby you
were flowing through my veins...


"Hello, are you alright mon ami?" The blue eyes asked, they were attached to a man with golden hair.

"Y-yes, thank you for..uh...catching me."

"No problem. My name's Francis. Say, what's a beautiful lady like yourself doing crying?"

You wiped your tears and blushed. "I'm fine really."

"Break up?" he asked.

"You nodded your head. "Yeah.."

"Me too, would you like to get a coffee at the Cafe with me?" He asked.

"I would like that very much Francis. My name's _____ by the way." you smiled and walked to the Cafe together, hand in hand.

"It's very nice to meet you _____!"


I'm addicted to you,

Hooked on your love,

Like a powerful drug

I can't get enough of,

Lost in your eyes,

Drowning in blue

Out of control,

What can I do?

I'm addicted to you!


As you two walked, you couldn't help but admire Francis, he was so cute.

Especially those blue eyes, you couldn't keep your eyes off them. They always had that small sparkle of happiness.

Am I falling for him? You thought.


Midnight blows in through the window,

Dances round the room...

Got me hypnotized,

I'm getting high on the perfume.


It has been a month since you and Francis met.

He asked you to be his girlfriend earlier that week, and asked you over his house for a 'surprise'.

You didn't care that it was 12:00 am, you just couldn't refuse seeing the love of your life.

You sprayed some perfume on your neck and left your apartment.

As you got to his house, you knocked on the door and he immediately pulled you inside.

"Bonjour _____~!"

"Hello Francis!" You kissed him, and he kissed back.

"May I have this dance?" He held out his hand and you smiled and took it.

The two of you danced around his lowly lit living room as night turned to day.


I couldn't live without you now,

Oh, I know I'd go insane,

I wouldn't last one night alone baby,

I couldn't stand the pain!


Francis finally asked you to move in with him, and you were thrilled.

You immediately started to pack all of your things from the city you lived in, and went to the French countryside with Francis.

That night you two slept together in the same bed and didn't get up until noon.

I'm addicted to you!

Hooked on your love,

Like a powerful drug

I can't get enough of,


You couldn't stand to be separated from the love of your life, Francis.

You were so glad that your ex boyfriend broke up with you that day.

You truly were addicted to Francis's love..


"Yes mon ami?" He smiled at you, eyes still sparkling.

"You know I'm addicted to you?"

"And that's a bad thing?" He asked with a smile.


Lost in your eyes,

Drowning in blue

Out of control,

What can I do?

I'm addicted to you!

When I heard this song I thought of this! Song is Addicted to you by Avicii!

I hope you enjoyed!!


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