Set Up (Prussia)

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( WARNING: This is going to be a really looooooonnng one shot! Sorry, I just couldn't stop writing :/ )

You had been dragged along to the Karaoke bar with your best friends, they said they wanted you to meet someone.

Having nothing else to do you shrugged. "What the hell?" You responded and they jumped up in excitement.

Little did you know, they were planning to set you up with a boy...

So, here you were, sitting at the bar on a Friday night with your friends. (Not drinking).

"Hey _____!" Your friend Alfred called to you.

"Hey Alfie!" You responded.

You heard him and your other friends giggle. "Come over here dude!"

You rolled your (e/c) eyes and hopped off the bar stool and walked towards them. "What Alfie?"

"There's someone here who you totally have to meet!"

"OK...?" You said confused.

"_____, this is Gilbert!" Alfred said pointing to an albino boy.

"Hi Gilbert, I'm _____! "You greeted him with a smile.

"What's that Arthur? You need me? OK...I'm coming!" Alfred ran away.

"Alfred I know Arthur's not calling you because he isn't even here!" You yelled after the American, stomping your foot. "What's going on?"

Gilbert chuckled at your actions. "So, since were here, do you want to go dance with the awesome me?" He smirked.

"Sure Gil! But only if you can handle the epic me!"

"Well played liebe..well played." He trailed off as he grabbed your hand and pulled you to the dance floor.

A certain awesome trio minus 1 high-5ing and smirking.


1 year later, you were dragged to the club again, but this time by your totally awesome friend Gilbert. He, Alfred and Mathias said you absolutely had to go.

And tonight for some weird reason.

So, you once again shrugged and responded. "What the hell?"

"Awesome! You wont be disappointed _____!" Alfred giggled and looked over to Mathias who smiled.

"OK, stop smiling like that..It's creepy.." You shivered slightly.

Gilbert's friends have always been strange around you. It was really weird. Today was the anniversary of when you and Gil met and he insisted you went to the same club with him like you did that Friday night last year.

Again you shrugged and said sure. Gilbert was making a big deal about your anniversary..kind of like a chick would.

You chuckled at the thought of Gilbert dressed as a girl and walked into the Karaoke club with the albino.

When you first met Gilbert, you had to admit you liked him in that way. But your feelings kind of went away..until now that is..

Every time he would talk to you, you blushed a little. And sometimes you could've sworn he blushed too.

So, you never told your Prussian friend. If he didn't like you back it would be really awkward. And who knows, he might not like you at all after that.

"Hellllooo? _____?" You were snapped put of your thoughts by Gilbert's hand in front of your face.

"OH! Yes Gil?"

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