My Kitty (Greece)

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"Shh! She's coming this way!"

"Oh no!"

"Quick everyone shut up!"

A series of whispers reached your ears and you tilted your head suspiciously. You, being the curious country of (c/n), needed to find out what was such a big secret.

"Hey guys! What's up?" You asked, walking up to Hungary, Belarus, and Belgium.

"Nothing really _____! We are going to play dare or dare. . ." exchanged looks with the smirking others then continued. ". . .and we wanted to know if you wanted to join us?"

" 'Dare or dare'? Isn't it 'truth or dare'?" You questioned.

They all exchanged looks again. Now you knew something was up.

You shook your head, some (h/c) hair falling into your face. "No way! Count me out." You started to walk away.

"Looks like the great country of (c/n) is afraid!" Eliza called after you.

You stopped in your tracks.

You saw her smirk. "It's OK guys, _____'s just a chicken. We don't need her to have fun let's go!"

"No one calls me a chicken! Sit down and let's play your stupid game! I am not afraid!" You exclaimed and stalked back to them.

"You're next _____~!" Eliza said with a smirk.

You rolled your eyes. "Fine."

"_____, I dare you to let me pick your outfit for the meeting tomorrow!" She said.

You blushed, thinking of the possible outcomes and shook your head rapidly. "No way!" You crossed your arms over your chest.

"Oh no no no! You have to do it! That's the game!" Bella insisted.

"Well your game sucks!" You argued.

"Either you take the dare or you have to go. . . naked." Natalia stated.

You blushed even harder. "Fine." You finally gave in.

The others smirked triumphantly.

Oh what have I gotten myself into?! You thought.


"NO! NO WAY I'M GOING OUT IN THIS!" You exclaimed. "He's totally going to see me! That's too embarrassing!" You whined, red faced.

"Oh gurl you look totally fab like yes!" Feliks said with a smile as he passed by.

You blushed again and gave them a pleading look.

The other female countries shook their heads.

"Come on _____! You've been saying that you're gonna confess to him for the past month! What better way to say "I love you" then you in a sexy cat maid outfit?!" Eliza said.

Before you could come up with a witty rebuttal, they already were pushing you into the meeting room.

So here you were, in a (F/c) maid outfit with white ruffles that came down middle-thigh with (h/c) ears and tail. They painted little whiskers and a pink cat nose on your face.

You were humiliated.

The meeting hadn't started yet, and all the other countries were seated, mingling slightly. You peeked through the door, the others standing behind, making sure you wouldn't run away.


Maybe I can escape through the windows. . . ? Or the fire exit?

"______, stop thinking about escape routes and . . . go!" On the word 'go' she pushed you into the room.

It was so silent, you could hear a pin drop.

And of course all the male countries had nose bleeds, AND Japan had his camera out! You blushed again and looked away.

"_____?! You look so hot dudette! Do you wanna hang at my place tonight?!" Alfred asked, trying to wipe the blood from his nose. But it was like a fucking waterfall.

"Non! Come to mine mon ami~!" Francis joined in.

"No! You wanna come to mine sí~?" Antonio joined in.

"NEIN! She vill come to mine ja?" Gilbert said, starting an all out argument.

"She should totally come over my house! I have like so many more cute outfits!" Feliks said. "Your dress is so stylish! Like where can I like get one?"

"No! Stop~a harassing (c/n)!" Feliciano pleaded, trying to stop the others.

You weren't focused on anything. You needed to make sure Heracles was still asleep! It was imperative!

He couldn't see you like this!

You scanned the room, but the spot that had the little label 'Greece' was empty. Phew! Maybe he didn't come today due to a cold! You thought in relief.

That was not the case.

Your hand was suddenly grabbed and you were led out of the meeting room.

A series of angry yells came after but Eliza, Bella, and Natalia reassured them, well more like threatened them angrily, that you were fine.

You looked at the person who was dragging you and immediately blushed.


"Hm?" He asked, turning to face you. "You know, you look pretty sexy as a cat maid. . ." Heracles said in his usual emotionless tone.

His statement didn't help your burning face. "?!"

"The whiskers and nose is a nice touch."

"Oh well I'm not wearing this on purpose. . .!" You quickly said, shaking your head.

His green eyes connected with your (e/c) ones. "Good."

You were taken back. " 'Good'?"

He nodded.

"Why is that good?"

He stopped walking. "Because you're my kitty. Mine. And no one else can see you in that ever again." Heracles paused. "Except me."

Your face went up in flames. D-did he just call me his. . .?!

"Oh sorry. I didn't practice it with Japan this way. . ." He scratched his head. "I love you." He said.

"I. . .I love you too." You stuttered, still not recovered from the whole 'mine' thing.

"OK, now that that's out of the way. . . we're going to my place."

"Um. . . Okay. . .?"

"So no one else can have you because you're my little kitty. And don't forget that or I'll have to punish you." He said like it was nothing.


He nodded. "Yep. So don't be bad~"

You caught his drift and realized he was teasing.

"Ohhh. . . yes master." You smirked.

He pat you on the head. "That's my good kitty."






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