Fated Strangers (Norway) [Part 1]

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A/N: So I got MANY requests for Nor-Kun so here he is!


Silence. You smiled to yourself basking in the perfect sound.. Well, sound that wasn't really there that is. Ever since you were little you loved to have peace and quiet so you could read/write/draw. That was your passion. You were artistic. You were also passionate about traveling the world. That was another thing you wanted to do since you were small; see everything there was to lay your wide (e/c) eyes on.

Naturally you were curious. Currently, you were sitting in a little book store outside New York City, preparing for your departure to Norway, the first destination on your list. Most people would rather go to London or even Berlin first but you had desired to go to Norway for a long time. You flipped the page of (fav book) and smiled at your favorite part.

You didn't bother to look up but out of the corner of your eye you saw someone sit down in the seat across from you. You couldn't really make out facial features but you could tell it was a male. Once you had finished the page you were on, this task didn't take very long, you lifted your head and got a better look at the person.

His strong and cold blue eyes were focused on the busy city streets as he rested his head in his arms and gazed out the window. He seemed to be quite fascinated with the New York citizens as they shuffled from place to place. It seemed like most were heading into high-end fashion shops and getting into the yellow taxis. His skin was pale and he coincidentally had on a Norwegian flag scarf and a thick navy blue jacket even though it was early autumn. You immediately conquered that he was a foreigner.

"Hello." You greeted with a smile. "My name's _____."

He seemed to huff and barely lift his head as he responded. "Good for you."

Now most people would get angry and throw an insult at the man but not you. You just smiled wider and laughed. "Sorry. I didn't mean to annoy you. Sometimes I just don't know when to shut up. I'll just leave you alone. I hope you're having a nice time in New York." You hummed and went back to your book.

This seemed to intrigue the man as he raised a brow. "Why?" He asked.

You shrugged. "Because I enjoy this book."

"No. That's not what I asked." He lifted his head and looked you dead in the eyes. His stare was cold but at the same time time it was welcoming. His eyes sparked with an emotion you couldn't put your finger on entirely. Interest maybe? "Why were you so nice when I brushed you off so coldly?"

You grinned. "Because I'm a strong believer in karma. What goes around comes around. Mean people always get hit by busses or some sort."

The mysterious person laughed. This laugh wasn't forced, it was genuine. "That's amusing because I believe in the same thing."

You smiled back. "Hey I couldn't help but notice your scarf. Is Norway your country?"

He nodded. "One could say that. Yes I live there. Why are you so intrigued? If I may ask that is."

"I have a flight there this after noon around 2:00."

"Really now? As do I."

You tilted your head. "That's ironic. Do you know your seat number and plane? This is weird and I just want to clarify."

He lightly chuckled. "Sure. I'm seat 39b and I'm flying Norwegian Airlines."

Your eyes widened. "This is getting freaky. I'm in seat 39a on the same plane!"

His once emotionless face twisted into a small smile. "I'm really going to enjoy sitting with you _____."

"Me too Mr. Cross clip." You responded with a large grin.

He frowned. "My name's Lukas."

"Cross Clip it is then Lukas!"

He groaned. "This is going to be one long day."


A few days later. . .

(If you didn't read that in a spongebob voice then what was your childhood?!)

The plane ride went smoothly and you ended up safely landing. Lukas wasn't very talkative but when it came to books and surprisingly magic, everything flipped around. He couldn't stop telling you stories about fairies and sea monsters. He spoke of them like they were his best friends.

Maybe they were? You didn't know but he was good company.

Once you arrived you said your goodbyes and went to check in at your hotel. It wasn't very expensive and certainly wasn't fancy, but it would suffice. You wouldn't be spending much time in there anyway. You were sad that you quite possibly could never see him again...

Fate had other plans.

You were walking around the city of Oslo, admiring the old architecture and city culture. Even though it was cold, the atmosphere was beautiful. Of course your eyes were glued to everything except where you were going so you bumped into someone. "I-I'm so sorry! I mean um...jeg er så lei meg?"

The person who you walked into laughed. "Hello _____."

You looked into his blue eyes and smiled. "Lukas! I'm sorry but wow! It's so funny, I thought I'd never see you again."

"You're pronunciation isn't bad. You speak Norwegian beautifully." He said and extended his hand. You took it and helped yourself off the sidewalk.

You blushed. "T-thanks... This is really embarrassing. I just fell on my butt in the middle of a foreign country and now my face is red." You rambled, trying to hide your fuming face in your (f/c) woolen scarf.

"You're red face is very cute vakker.." He started walking and motioned for you to do the same. You walked by his side.

"What does that mean?"

He looked nervous for a second but brushed it off. "Where are you staying?"

"Some random motel. I can manage. Don't worry." You shrugged.

"No. You should stay with me." He blushed after realizing what he was implying. "If you want to that is."

You smiled and nodded. "I'd like that very much Lukas."

Little did you both know that was the start of something unexpectedly beautiful.



I hope you liked! Next part will be out tomorrow so it's not gonna be a long wait!

Oh and beware of Nordic 5 ahead! I LOVE THEM ALL SQUEE!

Also! I got accepted by UsUk magazine I'm gonna to Tea Time With Arthur yay!



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Hasta la pasta bellas~!

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