Masked Hero (Cowboy!America)

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I am so excited to write this because I've wanted to write something like this for a long time so yay lets do dis!

(Run on sentence there XD)


The sun beat down hard on your shoulders the most. You sighed as you made your way slowly through the streets of town. The sky was a deep blue sprinkled with clouds left and right. Overall it was a beautiful day. Or it was supposed to be.

The black bandit had other plans. . .

Unknowingly, you waved to people and smiled. People were nice, but you never really liked to socialize. The citizens of the small town called you the lone desert flower. You always knew how to fend for yourself and never liked to date. You simply had no interest. It was a much needed skill really. The year was 1887 and it was the "turn of a new era" in your town of Rusty Flatts. Horses were the most common thing to he found in the fashion definitely improved. Today you were wearing a (f/c) dress that went down to your knees with a white parcel sort of shielding you from the hot American rays of sunshine. The Oregon county became especially hot this time of year. It was mid spring, the peaks of summer were just sneaking up on the people.

You loved your town and everyone loved you. But there was just one problem. Every month during the first week, a masked bandit would come in to town and pillage everything they could get their hands on. Sometimes they took women and gold. Other times they simply took lives for fun. Ever since your parents were killed when protecting the town, the villagers made it their responsibility to keep you safe. Every time the Black Bandit showed up, they hid you in the saloon's whiskey cellar.

You disliked being protected 24/7. You could fight them yourself. Today would be different. Today was the day you would stand up like your parents did six years earlier. The bandits were bullies.

"Howdy _____!" You turned your head to see Alfred, dirt smeared on his face from the farm he owned and stray piece of hair sticking up like usual. He wore a light brown leather vest and drawstring cowboy hat. Hanging out of his smiling mouth was a single piece of hay. His glasses caught the sunlight and reflected on the dirt.

"Hello Alfred. Good morning." You smiled and nodded politely.

He laughed loudly as he pet his brown horse's mane. Said horse, called Freedom by Alfred, whinnied in delight and moved in toward his touch. Alfred always had a connection to animals. He had gotten Freedom when he was younger. They basically grew up together. "Why so formal? Haha! You've known me since Tuesday!"

You rolled your (e/c) eyes. "You say that like Tuesday was a long time ago. Tuesday was two days ago." He first moved two days ago from a neighboring town and brought only his horse and some money. His father was a lawyer and he mother had died in childbirth having his younger brother who went with his father to New York. Alfred was always so fascinated with the west so he moved. Every month his father sends him some money.

"That's a whole 72 hours! I recon we're very acquainted!"

You couldn't help but let a grin spread to your lips. "My bad. What are you doing out in town this early?" You asked, starting conversation.

"I have to sell my crops! Would ya like to buy some corn?" He asked excitedly.

You rolled your eyes once more. "Why not? If it's helping you out." You handed him the appropriate amount and he gave you two ears of corn.

"Thanks! Hey what about--" He started to ask but the sound of a gunshot rang through the air. He froze and you both looked toward the source of the terrify noise.

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