Poker Face... (2p Russia)

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(This is super short because he is so difficult to write and I'm having MAJOR writers block so yeah...)


Two crimson eyes stared into your own bright (e/c) ones. No matter how hard you tried, you simply couldn't figure him out. His pale face was blank and there was no trace of emotion. He wasn't bored, his face was just. . . blank. You tilted your head to the side curiously, thin pieces of your (h/c) hair falling into you face.

You let it stay there, you had a task.

Figure out Ion.

He was a puzzle, more like an arubix cube than anything else. Sadly, this time you couldn't peal the stickers off and put them in their respected places. There was no cheating.

"Hey Ion?"

He raised a brow slightly, scowl still etched into his facial features. "Da."

You tilted your head to the other side to get a different angle. "Why do you always look like that?"

Said Russian didn't move from his spot. He sighed. "Because it's my military uniform."

You giggled quietly. "No. I meant your face. I can never tell what you're thinking!"

"That's the point." You got on your tippy toes and examined the deep, dark bags under his eyes.

"Why do you have bags under your eyes?"

Ion sighed. The smallest sound echoed off the walls of the quiet room. "Because they're the new fashion trend... What the fuck do you think _____?" He said sarcastically.

You frowned. "That was mean."

"Well that was a stupid question."

You crossed your arms over your chest and let of a frustrated puff of air. "I was just trying to make friendly conversation."

"Stop trying."

"Why are you always so...What's the word I'm looking for?" You trailer off, scratching your head in deep thought. "Bored? No that's not it.... Mean? No... I got it! Disenchanted!"

"I didn't know you had that in your vocabulary..."

You rolled your eyes. "You're too serious and sarcastic."

"Really? I hadn't noticed."

"Maybe this will help.."

"Maybe wha--"

You interrupted the stern Russian as you pressed your lips to his. He didn't seem to protest, but he didn't kiss back either. You were rating on a scale of 1-10 how dead you were. So far the number was 20. You pulled away, or so you thought. Ion grabbed the colar of your shirt and glared strait into your eyes. 

"Do that without my permission again and I will not hesitate to kill you." 

You gulped. His glare was so intense and unnerving. You just wanted to fall through the floor and leave the premises. Oh what you would do to leave... Before you could even think of running away you saw Ion smirk. 

"That was a cheap excuse for a kiss. Let me show you how it's done." With that, he smashed his lips on to yours hungrily. You gasped and his took this opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth, exploring your wet cavern. His cold hands trailed down your back and you felt your face flush. 

Then your heard cameras and laughing. 

Shit! We're still in the meeing room! You thought. 

Ion just rolled his eyes and gave the onlooking countries the finger. 

You broke for air and hid your blushing mess of a face in your hands. All of a sudden you felt soft fabric wrap itself around your neck. You looked up from your hands and saw that Ion had wrapped his scarf around your neck. You hid your face in that, but not before you took a small glance at the Russian who was smiling. 

That was the best and worst day of your life. 

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