Gravity Falls

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Gravity Falls... Home of the mystery and unexplained. It was my passion, my home. Hunting weird creatures and all things paranormal was all I ever wanted to do as a 12 year old kid. Grunkle Stan and Ford gave this place life for me.

But, years pass and things change. I changed. After our enemies were defeated, and our friends and family grew older, things got rough and or were different. The summer was over, so Mabel and I were finally taken back home. But deep inside, it's like they were ripping us from the home where our hearts were.

I'm older, and have a job now. I graduated second valedictorian, and ended up with a great job. I work as a electrical engineer. Which unfortunately means, I'm always traveling. 15 years have passed since I've ever touched foot on the land of Gravity Falls.

But... Things changed when my job took me to a place I thought I'd never go again. Sure I knew I'd go back eventually, but never thought my job would take me there. I'm finally going back home. My real home.

Gravity Falls.

"BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!" I heard a loud noise. But I'm still so tired... Then I heard the loud obnoxious sound again. I knew it was the alarm clock. I just didn't want to wake up. Forget it... I flung my feet off the side of my bed, and sat up. "6:30" the alarm clock said.

My bathroom is on the other side of my house, so it's kind of a pain to walk all the way across the house in the morning. Anyways, in about 10 minutes I got ready for work. Brushed my teeth, washed my face, but I did not do my hair. Wanna know why? I still wear the same cap as I did 15 years ago.

I changed my shirt to a red T-shirt with my usual blue jeans, and my dark blue jacket. Pretty much close to my same old style I guess. I forgot something. Oh yeah! I packed a carry bag for work, with fresh clothes and my toothbrush. I pack it just incase we are traveling that day. It's regulation basically.

I tied my shoes on, then grabbed my wallet. Yup... Usual, boring day. And of course, out the door I go. I headed out to my truck, and started it up. Since its in the middle of fall, I'm waiting for my heater to start which takes forever for this truck. Then I was finally off to work.

"This traffic sucks.." I said out loud to myself. This bridge needs to be extended. It's always cluttered and in a freaking jam! Yeah I'm not a morning person like Mabel... Not even close.

Pulling up to work was the same as ever. Parked in my usual spot, and took my keys out the slot. I walked into the company building, and smiled and greeted Sherry at the front desk as usual. "Have a good day Dipper." She said happily to me. "You too." I smiled back. I think she has a crush on me. Well she is pretty.

When I walked into our break room, my usual pals were already there. "Morning Dip." Tommy said to me, as he drank his coffee. "Hey. Fresh pot?" I asked. He nodded. So I grabbed myself a cup to start off my day. "You all pack? Boss said we're traveling again." Parker asked.

We all nodded. "I wonder where we're going this week." I said. "Boss said its just a small town. Nothing special." Tommy replied. "As usual.." I sighed. "So did you guys hear? Maddison is due any day now." Parker said happily. "Mm. Congrats man." Tommy patted his back.

"So Dipper, when are you finally gonna hook up? Any cute girls you got in mind?" Tommy teased me. That's classic Tom for you. "Nah. Haven't really been looked for a girlfriend." I sipped my hot beverage. "Oh cmon Dip! You've been alone for too long now! You just need to find the right person!" Parker said.

"Guys, chill. When I find the one, then I find her. If I don't, then so be it." I said. "Well, I hope the best of luck man." Tom smiled. My nod was me basically saying thanks. "Alright guys, in the office. Boss is gonna give us info on our trip." A secretary said.

I threw my cup away, then walked in the boss' office with everyone else. I was the last in of course... So I had to shut the right door. God its so cramped up in here. Chief needs a bigger office. "Alright guys, this may be a little town, but it's a big trip. It'll take us at least a week and a half." The boss informed.

Wow. A week and a half? This trip is gonna suck... "We have to: repair all power lines, restore the electrical sockets in the powerhouse, and a few will have to help some construction workers add power to a new opening store." He finished. God! That's a lot..

Looks like I'm gonna be gone for a while. "So chief, where are we headed that's so important?" James, the hardest worker asked. "A little town... called Gravity Falls." G-Gravity Falls...? I can't believe my ears. I'm finally going...


Pacifica Northwest, sat quiet in her limo seat. Not saying a word, or even thinking of anything to say. "Pacifica, are you okay?" She heard. But she didn't realize she was zoning out. She looked up in shock, at her advisor. "Yeah. Just, tired. That's all. I think it's too early to be doing this." She yawned.

"Oh I know it. I hate scheduling stuff this late for you just as much as you hate getting up this early." She chuckled. Pacifica kind of chuckled too, just to show she wasn't bothered. But she was. Yes, she hates getting up early. But it wasn't what was bothering her.

She was just bothered, knowing she's probably gonna do this stuff all her life. Get up, get dressed, skip breakfast, go to a meeting or something else important, eat, fly home, take a shower then go to bed. And have it all start over the next day. she hates it.
She hates every bit of it.

Being the richest girl on the continent wasn't exactly the easiest thing. It was hard work. But it did still have its perks. Meeting celebrities, fancy parties, alcohol, and even fancier clubs. But it was still repetitive. "Don't worry Ms. Northwest, you're almost to your jet. And you'll be home in no time." Her advisor smiled.

"I just can't wait to get home..." Pacifica sighed. "I want to go home, take my shower and just fall asleep." She closed her eyes. "I understand. Remember I have to pretty much do all you're stuff too so I'm just as screwed." She tries to cheer her up.

"Yeah I know." She chuckles. "You're pretty much the only friend I have, so I'm happy you share my pain." Pacifica laughs. "Ah well. Always gotta have a girlfriend to keep ya company." She said. "Yeah. Even with all these fancy celebrities and athletes, I don't know if I'll ever find the right guy." Pacifica sighed again.

"Don't worry! You're a pretty and smart girl! You're bound to find the one you'll love!" Samantha patted Pacifica's shoulder. "I hope so... It gets lonely, ya know?" Pacifica said as the limo stopped. "Yeah. But I know he can't be too far." Samantha said.

"Let's hope so.." Pacifica said, as she stepped out the limo. "Your private jet is ready Ms. Northwest." The pilot greeted her. "Thanks Tim." Pacifica fake smiled, and walked into the private jet. Knowing, she's finally on her way home.

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