I'm Finally Home

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Finally.. I have a reason to go back. Yeah it's for work, but I finally get to go to the place I love. I know Grunkle Stan and Ford are still alive because if one had died, then I'd gotten a call about their funeral. Heck, I'll probably end up visiting the old farts.

Better yet, I might stay at the shack the entire time. If they let me anyways. I could use some fresh and or old air. Ha, doesn't feel like it was 15 years since mom and dad said "I'm sending you two to Gravity Falls with your great uncle Stan." I'd heard from them.

"RING RING RING" I heard my loud cell phone. Scared the heck out of me.. I had to quickly check it since I was driving. It was the boss. Weird.. He's driving too. "Yessir." I answered my phone. "Son, I've heard from a few of the boys you've been to Gravity Falls." He stopped.

"Uh yes sir. Haven't been there in ages though. Been about a decade and a half." I answered, and turned down another road. "I'm not trying to be that guy, but I don't want this place to interfere with your job." He said out of the blue. That was random...?

"Of course not. I mean I'm so happy I'm finally getting to go back, but it won't change my work." I answered. "Alright. Glad to hear." He said, then hung up. Sigh... Yup. That's our boss for you. Always so stern and obsessed with his job.

Well... I guess I'm kind of the same way. The only thing I really do besides holidays that are different is go visit Mabel in New Jersey. I'm used to driving a lot so the drive doesn't bother be. And going back here really doesn't both me. Not one bit.

Would ya look at that... I saw the sign that says "Welcome to Gravity Falls". I finally made it. I haven't felt so excited in years. Then again, saying that as a 27 year old makes me sound pretty old.
I'm supposed to meet the guys at some restaurant at 4:00, so I got some free time. Yes!

My first stop is of course gonna be the shack. But, I'm going slow. I want to see everything I missed so much. Basically the entire town. Then I hit the breaks hard. But what made me stop..? I looked up high, and there it was.
Northwest Mansion.

I looked at it, and kind of smiled. I remembered all the times I had there. Mostly, catching Pacifica's ghost. Her parents are just pathetic and rich excuses for parents. I saw it myself. They were no parents to Pacifica. I don't think I ever heard them tell her I love you. I got my last gaze at the mansion, then drove off again.

I could name all the buildings as I drove through the town. Even the old diner... I wonder if lazy Susan still works there. Or of she's even still alive. Man, growing up is hard.. As I finished gazing, I saw the end of the town where the long road was. It lead to The Mystery Shack.

"Here we go Dipper." I said out loud to myself. I turned to that long dirt road, with butterflies in my stomach. And the further I went, the happier I was. Never so long have I been this excited. I couldn't wait to see them again. It'd only be better if... MABEL?!

Why is her car here?? Maybe she's here too. God works in mysterious ways doesn't he.. I parked my car where the old golf cart used to be. I took my key out and walked up to the door. As I brought my hand to knock, I stopped. "It's okay Dipper... They're family. It's not like they're gonna bite.." I sighed to myself.

Then I finally knocked. I waited, shaking. What? I haven't seen them in years! I could hear heavy footsteps coming to the door. Here we go. The door opened right in front of me. And the person behind it.. Was Grunkle Stan.

"No more soliciting!!" He yelled as soon as he opened it, right in my face. Then, he got a good look at me. "Grunkle Stan, it's me." I smiled brightly. Stan put his bat down. Wait why does he have a bat?! I don't wanna know.. "D-Dipper..?" He asked in shock. I just continued to smile.

"Well look at you!! All grown up kid!!" He changed happily. "Ha, yeah. Can I come in?" I asked softly. "Of course come on in!" He said back. I walked in, seeing everything. It was all exactly the same. "The old place still kept up didn't she." I chuckled. "Kid you have no idea." Stan chuckled too.

"Where is Grunkle Ford?" I asked. "Where else do you think.." He said. Yup. He's in the secret basement. "Mabel is here, but she left with Wendy." Stan said. Wendy... I remember Wendy. Teenage red head. Childhood crush.

"Cool. Does she and Soos still work here?" I asked. "Soos does, Wendy works at the lumber yard now." He explained. No surprise there. "Oh, I'm glad you came Dipper. I have something to give you." He said. Really? Grunkle Stan giving me something? I'm shocked..

"Here." He said and turned around. I was stunned. It was one of the journals! But it has a "4" on it. Ford made a fourth one? I took it in awe. "He made a fourth one after you and Mabel left that summer. He realized there is still some stuff he never found out. So he continued working." He told me.

Why does he do it to himself? Grunkle Ford's whole life is work work work. "Why does he work so much?" I asked. "It's how he is. He's always been like that." Stan sat back down in the old recliner. Classic. He doesn't even look like he's aged a bit... Wonder how Ford looks.

"So Dip, what brings you here?" He asked me. "Work, actually. I've wanted to come back here for so long Grunkle Stan. But never thought of it. And my job just did it I guess." I chuckled. "That's a long drive for work." He said back.

"Yeah I'm staying here for probably about 2 weeks if not longer." I said. "Wow! Do you need a place to stay? Stay here as much as you want!" He told me happily. Sweet. I didn't even have to be rude and ask him. "I'd love to. I missed the old shack." I said gratefully.

"That's great. We can finally go out as a family tonight!" He said and patted my shoulder. That sounds amazing... "Let's do it. But at 4 I have to meet the guys at the diner anyways. I'll just wait for you after the boss tells us what to do tomorrow." I told him. "Gotcha." Stan cracked open his soda.

Then we both heard the loud vending machine door open. "Hey Stanford!! Guess who's here!!" Stan yelled across the shack. I heard those loud footsteps again. That must run in the family... "Who is it?" Ford said then walked in. He immediately looked at me.

"Dipper my boy!! How have you been!" He came in and hugged me tight. Okay.. Now he's crushing my bones... "I'm good Grunkle Ford. How have things been in the lab?" I asked. "Oh excellent. Would you like to come see?" He asked me. "Later, Grunkle Ford. I have to meet my workers at the diner."

"Workers? Are you here on business?" He asked me. "Kinda. I'm an electrical engineer. I'm here to work on all that was damaged." I explained. "Oh! Yeah Stanley and I accidentally did that. My new machine let off a large shockwave." He said. "Don't drag me into this!" Stan yelled at him.

"We're all going out to eat tonight. So dress like a human not a mad scientist." Stan said. Ford rolled his eyes. "Ha yeah. Well I'll see you guys at the diner then?" I questioned. Stan nodded. "Alright well I gotta get going. See ya then." I then shut the door.

They're still the same as ever. Glad to see that. I walked to my truck, and sat in it for a second. I was still taking it all in. Everything. It's like my past was blowing air in my face. I looked over at the bottomless pit, and could still see 12 year old Mabel and I with Grunkle Stan. Good times...

Too bad I can't think about any of that too much. I don't wanna be late. I drove back down the long dirt road, and back on the Main Street. I turned the corner of the last building, and I could immediately see boss' car and Tom's truck. Looks like I'm not the last one.

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