Back to Work

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Whaa.... Ah my head. What happened to me last night.. everything is all fuzzy. I turned my head to look at the alarm clock by my bed. It said.. 12:30?!? I'M LATE FOR WORK!! I jumped out of bed and immediately threw off my sleep shirt.

I then changed into dark blue jeans and quickly slipped on my belt. I put socks and my jacket on, then ran out my room door. I zoomed into the kitchen and grabbed my shoes and quickly sat down to put them on. "Dipper!?" I heard Ford's voice.

"Shouldn't you be at work!?" He asked me. "I overslept!! I gotta hurry up and get there!" I shouted in fear. I finished tying my laces then ran out the door. Oh man oh man oh man!!! Boss is gonna kill me!!! I finally make it to my truck and jumped in. I started the engine, and quickly peeled out of the muddy drive way.

God I shouldn't have been drinking last night!! Especially before work!! Just as I thought anything couldn't get any worse, I heard my phone ringing. And just my luck, it was the chief. "Yessir." I answered it as usual. "Pines, where in the Sam hill are you!!!" He screamed in my ear.

"Sir I'm so sorry I'm late! I wasn't paying much attention last night, and had a little to drink." I admitted. "This is strike two, Pines. If you get a third, YOU'RE FIRED!!!" He yelled then hung up again. I stared into my rearview mirror, and saw the stress and bags under my eyes.

If I screw up again... I'm fired. Get your head straight Dipper! You're better than this! Don't let that blonde headed demon take you out like that again!

I pulled up to the sidewalk and parallel parked. "Dipper!!! Where have you been!!!" I heard Tom yell through my window. I'm surprised I could understand him, from how hungover I am. I stepped out my door, and walked with him back to a dirt road like the one to the shack.

"Sorry I was-   I stopped. "Dip?" He questioned. Oh god.. I feel it coming. I dropped straight to my knees, and fell to my hands. There I threw up, what felt like all my intestines. "Holy crap!! How hammered were you last night?!? You're never late!!" He said in shock.

"Oh, there you are!!" I heard a smart alec voice. I got back to my knees and turned around behind me. It was boss man. "Sorry sir, I was-  "I bet you were drinking last night. This kind of behavior just spells out hangover, and it won't be tolerated in or on my time!!" He shouted in front of everyone.

I nodded and wiped my mouth with my sleve. "It's okay. He was with me." Wait.. Pacifica? Everyone turned to face the blonde broad behind the chief. "A-are you..." One worker stuttered. "Yes. My name is Pacifica Northwest. And I apologize for Dipper, he and I were drinking a little last night." She said.

I can't believe my ears. Pacifica Northwest actually apologizing. And for me! She's apologizing for me! "I don't care who you are." Boss said and walked up to her. "If you cause this again, you will be getting him fired." He said sternly to her. He then quickly walked away.

"You okay there light weight?" She chuckled. What a dork... "*cough cough* yeah." I said painfully. " Wait... You two know each other??... BRO!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU KNEW PACIFICA NORTHWEST!?" Tom yelled in my ear in shock.

"Yeah... We're old friends." I sighed. I stood back up with horrible pain in my chest. "Next time we won't drink so much. Which we didn't hardly drink, you just can't handle your alcohol. No wonder you drink so much coffee." She said as she wiped all the dirt off me.

"Can I have an autograph?!" We hear one of the workers. She turned around and saw all the workers either taking pictures with their phones, or wanting her to sign something. And I'm pretty sure Tommy was staring at her cleavage.

"Call me later Dipper!" She yelled at me as she ran to her fancy car. She closed her door, then drove off back in the direction of her house. "Wow... You hittin that Dip?" Parker said as we both watched her drive off. "What?!" I said in shock. "C'mon don't tell me you're friends with her and not getting down and way to friendly with her." He joked.

"She's just an old friend. We hung out for old times last night, and I got hungover. No big deal." I said. "Whatever. Grab your tool belt and lets get rollin." He told me. I nodded, then walked back to my truck. God... Idiots.

Pacifica drove back to her mansion. She parked her Ferrari next to her red Lamborghini in her massive, car filled garage. She stepped out of her car, then walked out of her garage. She then unlocked her door with her security system key, and walked straight into her main hall.

"Home sweet home." She said happily to herself. She walked up the large staircase up to the second floor, and straight to her workout room. She turned the lights on, and grabbed her sports bra and yoga tights. She took off her pink jacket and changed into them.

"Good morning Ms. Northwest. The weather today is 78 degrees, with a 60% chance of rain." The computer said. The large mirror on her wall, then turned into a giant touch screen monitor. "Thanks Val. What's my workout plan for today?" She asked her computer.

"5 sets of bench, 6 sets of squat and 25 minutes of the insanity workout." The computer voice answered. Pacifica nodded, then walked straight to her squat rack. She grabbed the bar from the rack and put it on her shoulders. The second she went down for one in front of the large screen, something rung.

"Incoming call, Ms. Northwest." It said as it showed the picture of her advisor. "Answer." Pacifica sighed, as she put the bar and weights back down. The screen turned to a video of Samantha in a limo. "Whatcha need Sam?" Pacifica asked. "I wanted to remind you about your trip to L.A. tomorrow. And your trip Sunday afternoon." She said.

"I completely forgot about that!! When does my flight leaves??" Pacifica questions in shock. "In two hours!! You have to get ready!! This is the A-list movie star party we're talking about!!" Samantha screamed. Pacifica hung up on her, and ran straight to her room.

She changed back in to her usual clothes, and packed her suitcase. As she zipped it up and started running towards her car, she heard her phone ring. When she looked at the screen, it said "Nerdy Dip" on it. "Hello?" She answered, trying to sound casual.

"Hey, I'm off work later tonight and thought, maybe we should hang out again. But this time, nothing special. Just us on the cliff again." She heard his deeper voice. "Actually tonight I can't. I have to be in L.A. by the end of the night." Pacifica sighed.

"Oh. Well, that's alright. We can hang out when you get back. Hopefully before I leave. I don't want to interrupt your celebrity-loving life." Dipper joked. Right as Pacifica sat in her car, she thought about what he just said. "Well I'll see you when you get back. Bye." He ended the call.

"I don't want to interrupt your celebrity-loving life."

That sentence ran through her head multiple times. "Is that really, all I do..?" She questioned herself. She looked back at her screen, where it said call ended. Then, she dialed his number again. "Hello?" He answered curiously. "You know what, forget L.A. Lets hang out tonight." She smiled.

"No, I don't want you to skip your trip to hang out with me. You'll be back in no time!" Dipper persuaded her to go. "... But you won't be..." She said in a sadder tone. Then it got quiet. They both realized what she had said. "Alright. I'll see you at 8:00." Dipper said softly. "See ya then." She said quiet, but happily.

She ended the call, as she sat in her car seat. And all she did was think. Why'd she just say that? A million questions flew through her brain. And what does she feel that's so weird? Maybe she'll figure out tonight.

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