The Northwest Experience

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Dipper stood in his room, changing his clothes. He watched his shirtless self in the mirror as he did so. He changed into a white t-shirt and usual blue pants. Instead of his dark blue jacket, he pulled on his red plaid jacket. He left it unbuttoned.

"Looking good Dip.." He smiled into the mirror. He put his cap on, and tied on his shoes. He stood up and walked out his bedroom door. Right then, he saw the kitchen light on. He just thought maybe Mabel or someone was getting a snack.

As soon as he walked in, he saw all of the Pines sitting at the table. Mabel, Ford, and Stan were sitting at the table, sharing a cake. "Dipper! What took you so long, we thought you took a nap!" Mabel exclaimed. "No I'm getting ready to go out, what's the cake for?" He asked.

"For finally being a complete family again!" Ford explains. "Yeah! Here come help us blow out the candles!" Grunkle Stan said in joy. Dipper stood there, in shock. He could just see the three siting at the table, but he saw them as they were 15 years ago.

"Kid you okay?" He then heard. Dipper quickly shook his head. "Yeah! Sounds good!" He finally spoke. As he got his head back together, he walked up the table and leaned in. "Alright everyone, on the count of three!" Mabel bossed, as usual.

The four of us then blew out the candles, and closed our eyes for wishes. My wish? It was for this night to be amazing. I don't want a single thing to screw up tonight. In fact, I might even call this a date. I don't know if it is, but I just might.

"I hope you all made good wishes!" I then hear Mabel speak up, which knocked me out of my daze. "Dipper, you can have the first piece. Since you're pretty much the guest of honor." Mabel told me, as she was about to cut the cake. "No, it's alright. I'm about to leave anyways. You all can enjoy the cake, I'll just take what's left." I said.

I fixed my jacket, as I turned around to leave the shack. "I know what's going on here.." I hear Ford talk. I quickly turn around in question. "The way you're acting.... You're about to get naughty with someone tonight aren't ya.." He grinned. I immediately turned bright red.

"Ford!!" Grunkle Stan and Mabel both yelled. W-what is he talking about...? "I'm joking!! Go have yourself a good time Dipper!" He then bust into laughter. So did the other two. I just fake laughed, so they wouldn't know something is up with Pacifica and I, or they will all assume I'm having sex with her. Oh god this is gonna be a crazy weekend if they find out about us...

"Well see you guys later tonight!" I waved, then closed the door behind me. That was a close one... I felt the heat come off my face from how nervous and embarrassed I was. Okay Dipper, here we go. Make this the best night ever. You won't be here much longer, so you have to stand this night out.

I jumped in my pickup, and turned the key for ignition. As nervous as I was, I could still drive. Thankfully. Even though I was shaking like a new born dog. As I drove, all I thought was just... Wow. I'm just still so shocked. I mean, I'm here for three days, and it turns out I like a girl that I never ever had feelings for 15 years ago. My life is pretty much a Kanye West song...

Ain't life just weird? And to think, when I first met her I thought she was just a spoiled, privileged, brat. But maybe I was wrong. She had a different side come out, when I helped her free the lumberjack ghost. You know what I think? I think she's been that way the whole time. But her parents just pushed her into doing all the horrible stuff she's done.

As I drove, I looked out the window at the sky. Man, sure looks like it's about to rain. Still not gonna ruin my evening though. I continued to drive, then started to see rain drops hit my windshield. The further I got, the more that seemed to fall. It seemed like in seconds it was pouring!

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