Rude Awakening

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Woah... What time is it.. And... Why do I feel naked?! I looked at the clock by the bed I laid in. It said, "12:30". Huh.
TWELVE THIRTY!?! I didn't even mean to sleep past 9!! Dang, last night must have been crazy. As I rolled over, I was gonna- oh my god what is that!! I felt something warm on my legs!! When I rolled over to look, I saw Pacifica. But why would she-

Oh my god. Oh. My. God. I slept with Pacifica! Oh man... What I gonna tell Stan. "Good morning dipstick.." I then hear a faint voice. I looked at her, and saw her still half asleep. Her eyes were slightly open and she was grinning. She looked... Gorgeous.

"A little late for morning isn't it..?" I chuckled, as I sat up. Realizing I still at least had underwear on, I threw my legs over, and stood back up. Woah.. Dizzy. Chill Dipper. "I guess things got a little too heated last night huh?" Pacifica laughed as she sat up. She held the covers up to her chest. I'm assuming she didn't have anything on underneath...

"And I will say", she walked towards me, "You're an amazing love maker by the way." She put her finger on my chin and flicked up. Ain't she freaky... Mm mm mm.

"You hungry? I'll cook." Pacifica said as she walked into her walk in closet. I could see her reflection in the mirror on the open door. Which I probably shouldn't be staring at, but ya know... It's Pacifica Northwest. People would pay to watch her dress. And undress!
I'm living the dream...

"So what kind of breakfast do you eat? Waffles? Pancakes? Eggs? Name it and I can make it." She said. "Wow. What can't you cook??" I said in amazement. "Spaghetti. I don't like it so I don't make it." She snapped back quickly. That got me thinking...

Wow. She really did change, didn't she. Cooking for herself, making her own decisions, driving herself everywhere, and even taking care of her place by herself? She grew up. She really did. I guess that's why I'm so attracted to her. "Alright then I'll pick." She then said. Oh yeah, I was zoning out.

"Oh. Yeah it doesn't matter what you make. I'll eat pretty much anything." I said as I searched for my pants. I found them sticking out of the side of the bed. Lovely. I buckled then back on, then zipped em up. Man it feels nice to have clothes on again.. That sounded weirder than I wanted it to.

"Alright, lemme go downstairs and start cooking. It's passed noon but I feel like breakfast anyways. Sounds yummy. Feel free to just roam the mansion or whatever." She said as she put her hair back in a pony tail. Which I love more than her old hair style by the way.

She walked down out the door, while I was still searching for my shirt. "Oh your shirt is out here!" I heard her say from the hallway. Super.. I walked out there with nothing on but pants, seeing where she went. She was on the other side of the gigantic spiral, railed hallway.

"Oh thank god." I said in relief. But as soon as I walked towards her, she stepped the other way. The more I walked, the more she did too. Oh I see... She's playing keep away. "Seriously give me my shirt." I chuckled. "Gotta catch me first." She laughed then slid down the rail.

Seriously? Alright then. I immediately ran after her. I tried sliding down the rail, but failed as I felt the rail burn my back. I jumped off and just ran down the rest of the stairs. Nearly tripping because I had no shoes on, I stormed off after the blonde.

I watched her zoom out the door to the garden, then try and slam it to keep me from leaving. She's got another thing coming. I know my way around the garden, so if she hides I can find her. I mean she knows it too, cuz you know... She lives here...

And fortunately, that's what she did. She ran and hid behind one of the many hedges, and started running around to confuse me. I could see her blonde hair flap in the air over the hedge as she ran. So it was soooo easy tracking her.

I waited around a corner for her to dash by. And to my advantage, she fell right in to my trap. As I her saw run by, I grabbed her arm. Which means she screamed in my ear because she was scared. I pulled my shirt from her hand and laughed.

"All you do is scare me!" She said angrily but laughing. "Ya know, you're adorable when you're angry." I made fun of her because she's short. She tried hitting me but it was funny because, he know... She's short. "Alright alright. Quit trying to touch my pecks and make 'breakfast'." I put quote marks around breakfast because it's late.

"For your information, if I wanted to touch your abs, I would have done it on purpose." She said. Then she blushed, realizing what she said. "You admitted it! You said abs!" I laughed. Well I'm flattered... "Oh shut up and put your shirt on you cocky idiot." She tried to hold back her laugh.

I threw my shirt on, as she gave me the evil eye women give all men. "Now if you're done flirting, I'm gonna go cook." She said, then started to walk away. I was about to say something witty but then I remembered something..

I forgot to call Stan.

I quickly zoomed back through the house, and up the stairs. As soon as I reached her room, I started digging for around for my HTC. "Cmon... Cmon where is it.." I kept asking myself. The second I looked under the sheets for it, I heard it going off. But from where?
I stood still, listening for it carefully.

"He lost his soul... To a woman so heartless" I heard.

It sounds like its coming from... Here! I quickly lifted up the pillow from the floor. There it was. I picked it up as fast as I could and answered it. "Hello?" I answered, trying to sound casual. "Dipper!! Thank god! Where are you?!" Grunkle Stan said fearfully. Huh, wish he was this worried when we were 12.

"Sorry, sorry! I went to Pacifica's house last night and-  I stopped. It went awkwardly quiet for a moment. "*gasp* you didn't..." Stan said in disbelief. Oh boy...

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" I heard loudly in my ear. I had to hold it back a few inches from my ear. "You screwed miss Richie rich!! That's historical!!!" He immediately gathered. Wow he's good. "SSSHHHHH! Keep your voice down. No one else has to kno-

"DIPPER!!!!! YOU HAD SEX WITH PACIFICA?!" I then hear Mabel in the background. Oh my god I'll never hear the end of this. Going back to the shack is going to be a living hell. "Dipper did what now?" I heard great uncle Ford. Oh for the love of...

"Oh for god sakes is anything private?!?!" I yelled in the phone, then hung up.

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