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« Cha ! Cha ! »
"Cha ! Cha !"

« Quoi ? Qu'est-ce qu'il y a mon amour ?! »
"What ? What's wrong mon amour ?!"

Julie came running into the small lounge which got Charles frowning, worryingly.

« Regarde ! Regarde ! »
"Look ! Look !"

Julie was waving the stick in front of Charles's face but it was so fast that he couldn't actually see what is was. He grabbed it from her hand and when he saw the little plus, he quickly lifted his head to look at Julie, his eyes widened.

« V-vraiment ? »
"R-really ?"

She nodded vigorously, tears in her eyes. Charles then dropped the stick and wrapped his arms around Julie, spinning her around.

« Mais c'est merveilleux mon amour ! »
"It's wonderful mon amour !"

They stopped moving, holding each other, forehead against forehead, looking at the other with such a loving gaze. Charles kissed his lover softly.

« Mon Dieu, qu'est-ce que je t'aime. Tu crois que ça fait combien de temps ?»
"God, I love you so much. How long do you think it's been ?"

« Bah ça fait presque trois mois que je n'ai pas eu mes règles donc... »
"Well, it's been almost three months since I haven't had my period so..."

They fell in a comforting silence once again. Charles slowly put his hands on Julie's belly, wanting to be as close as possible with his unborn child.

« Tu penses qu'on devrait prévenir notre famille et nos amis ?»
"You think we should tell our family and our friends ?"

« Je crois que la barre des trois mois dépassés, le risque de fausse couche baisse énormément donc je crois qu'on ne risque pas grand-chose. Moi je suis d'accord ! Je veux juste faire quelque chose de simple, qui nous ressemble.»
"I think that when the three-month mark is passed, the risk of miscarriage is greatly reduced, so I think we're not risking much. I'm alright with it. I just want to do something simple, something that's just like us."

First, they decided to call Pascale, then they would call Arthur and Lorenzo before calling their driver friends, Pierre being the priority as they wanted him to be the godfather. It was a choice that had been made a long time ago, it started as a joke but Charles and Julie felt like this was the most obvious choice. As for the godmother, they decided they wanted to break codes a bit, not wanting to have a man and a woman as godparents but rather two men as their closest friends were in a really big majority men. So they had decided on choosing Carlos as the other godfather. Charles and him had developed a fusional relationship as teammates and Julie also appreciated him very much.

They both sat on a sunbed, Charles's phone being held up by Julie's legs as her knees were up. Pascale answered almost immediately.

« Coucou mes chéris, comme ça va ? »
"Hi my darlings, how are you ?"

« Coucou grand-mère, ça va super de notre côté, et toi ? »
"Hi grandma, we're doing great, what about you ?"

Pascale put her hand to her heart, acting offended.

« Charles ! Je ne suis pas si vieille, ne m'appelle pas grand-mère ! »
"Charles ! I'm not that old, don't call me grandma !"

When Charles and Julie didn't answer, Pascale looked at them, raising her brow. Charles and Julie exchanged knowing glances with small smiles which made Pascale gasp.

« Non, t'es pas- »
"No you're not-"

Julie nodded softly.

« Oh mes chéris, je suis si heureuse pour vous ! »
"Oh my darlings, I'm so thrilled for you !"

She talked with them for about ten minutes before hanging up. Then they called Arthur who literally screamed like a teenage girl when he learned. Lorenzo congratulated them warmly as did his girlfriend. Then, Pierre cried, saying how his best friends had both grown and were now starting their own little family, he cried even more when they told him that he was going to be a godfather with Carlos. Carlos was overjoyed and starting jumping around in his appartement. Finally, Julie wanted to call Sebastian back, but also Daniel and Lewis as they had been there for her for so long now. When Sebastian answered the facetime and saw them both, he smiled and said 'I told you so' which earned him an eye roll from Julie and a confused glance from Charles. Daniel offered them his worldwide famous smile and congratulated them, promising to send a gift to their appartement, and Lewis did basically the same, much more Lewis-like though.

By the end of the day, they both went to sleep with their heart full with Charles's hands glued to Julie's belly which was, now that she looked attentively in the mirror, a bit more round than before.

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