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So I have actually finally come up with a solid plan/plot/idea on how I am gonna end this fanfic. (Yes I had no plot because I don't like having things planned out. I like to see how things go so I have that surprised/shocking experience like you guys.)

Anyway so I have come to the conclusion that I can't just end PUK with PUK2 and that I need in fact a PUK3 (which is totally going against what I first had in mind) so like ill tell you guys when that finally does come (maybe in the near future, or maybe around November-ish. Note:idk it depends on how frequently I write.) but OMG thanks for 7.23k that's amazeballs.

I honestly didn't think that this story would be a trilogy but the way things are going it needs to be like that. So umm, just keep reading and umm yeah.

Love Always,
Telly xxx

Note 2.0: isn't black and white always more romantic than colour??

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