Chapter 4-3: Now Rest Up

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Riddle and Epel continue to fight off the flowers with their magic to distract then, but the lotuses are proven to be difficult.

Epel is frustrated by it, "Pesky little varmints...!"

Riddle calls out, "Epel, swerve right!" And fires his magic, "HRAGH!"

That ends up deflecting the flowers.

"Whew, that was a close one. Thanks, Riddle!" Epel says.

Riddle takes a deep breath in exhaustion, "You don't need to thank me for a basic courtesy."

"Hey, Riddle... I think everyone's made it down the street now," Epel says.

Riddle and Epel look around to see the others have gone ahead.

"I see... That's good to hear," Riddle says.

But Epel says in concern, "You've been blastin' flowers left and right at full power this whole time. You broom's speed dropped, too. I'm startin' to worry you're running out of magic and stamina both."

"Heh. Even if I was, that's hardly a reason to back down. I must clear this area of as many firelotuses as possible. That's the job I signed up for," Riddle says.

Again, Epel says in concern, "But you're barely staying on your broom!"

Soon, more of the fire lotuses come at them.

Epel cries out, "Ack, there's more of 'em! Riddle, climb higher and get clear!"

"Rgh..." Riddle responds, showing signs of struggling.

Turns out, Riddle has been caught by the vine of the flower.

Epel notices, "Riddle? Oh no, a vine's got your leg! I'll get it off! Just gimme a moment!"

But Riddle cries out, "Stay back, Epel. They'll get you too!"

"But they're draining you!" Epel cries out.

"I've accepted my fate. How frustrating... I thought I could buy... a little more...time..." Riddle says, struggling to regain consciousness.

He is forced to let go and falls to the ground.

"Riddle?! No, don't let go of your broom! Stay awake!" Epel cries out, but Riddle isn't able to stay away, "It's no use... The flowers are swarming around him now..."

Starting to lose consciousness, Riddle says, "Epel...get out of here...while they're focused on me... I'll protect at of us... Hrgh!"

"Riddle..." Epel calls out, and cries out, "YOU WAIT ONE APPLE-PICKIN' MINUTE!" and casts his magic.

"...Huh?" Riddle responds.

Then Epel says, "You remember what Rook told me? 'I have every faith that you can protect the Roi des Roses.' You, protect me?" and begins to charge up his magic for a powerful spell, "You got it all backward. I'm gonna protect you! Your eyes will close, your breath will still..."

Riddle soon realizes, "Wait, is that... Your signature spell?!""

Then Epel calls out his magic, "Crimson Slumber!"

And the next moment, Riddle has been placed inside the glass casket, Epel's signature magic.

"Rgh... Epel... What done..." Riddle says, struggling to get out, but falls asleep, "Zzz... Zzz..."

"You did good, Riddle. Now rest up and leave these guys to me. My signature spell, Crimson Slumber, encases its target in a magical barrier. The person inside falls asleep, but nothing outside the barrier can hurt 'em. So as long as I'm fine, Riddle will be too," Epel says, glad that he's able to save Riddle.
He soon notices the flowers are closing in on him and Riddle.

"I can't blast a buncha flowers in one go like Riddle can. But ain't NOBODY got more moxie than me. I'll keep flyin' 'til that bell rings. And when I can't fly no more, I'll hoof it!" Epel says, "Bring it on, ya varmints. I'm the Poison Apple of the Felmier Family. Catch me if you can!" and flies on the broom to get away from the flowers.

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