Chapter 2-10: There's a Trick

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The group continues walking around the stalls.

Silver spots something that catches his attention, "Hm? What's that sparkly thing at the next stall?"

What he sees are mobiles that are made of glass. Each of them is hanging by a rope and has glass shapes in different colors.

"Ah, it's a glass mobile. Very Pretty," Silver comments.

"They're popular here, people like to hang them in windows. That said, we don't normally buy ready-made ones," Rollo says.

"You don't? You mean...this is handmade?" Idia asks.

"Indeed—each household makes their own from scrap materials they collect. This stall's selling handmade goods for tourists, no doubt. The ones people craft at home are made from used bottles, broken dishware, extra decorations, and so on. They're so beautiful it's hard to believe they're made from what is essentially junk. I find there's a certain modesty in their bright shine," Rollo explains, "A fine decoration, wouldn't you agree?"

"Such beauté!" Rook happily says, "The sunshine takes on different hues when shining through the glass. The red of passionate lips, the yellow of a freshly-bitten nectarine, the green of early summer trees, the blue of the Soleil... It's a kaleidoscopic stained glass that shifts when viewed from different angles! I should get one for Vil."

"Hmhmhm, you see the world through the eyes of a poet," Rollo comments.

"Ahh, now THAT was some good shoppin'," Ruggie says, "What's this you're all lookin' at, Rook?

"Rollo told us it's glass. Isn't it pretty?" Silver says.

Seeing the mobiles, Ruggir says in disappointment, "Aww, man. I was hoping for gems, not glass. Never mind, interest gone."

"Ruggie, on the other hand, is a mammonist through and through..." Rollo responds.

"It's rather relaxing to listen to the glass pieces clinking together," Silver says.

Rook smiles, "Sounds like you've taken a shine to it, Silver. Perhaps you could pick one up as a souvenir?"

"I considered it, but... I think Father would prefer something flashier and more fun," Silver says.

"Oh, getting something for your dad, huh? Are you actually gonna ship it back home?" Idia asks.

"It's good to honor your parents," Rollo says, "It's not part of the flea market, but there's a store with handcrafted goods a bit further up. Some of their wares are entertaining. I imagine he'd enjoy the selection there if he likes flashy things. Allow me to show you the way."

The group soon heads over to the specific stand.

"Here's what I'd recommend," Rollo says.

The group looks to see handkerchiefs of different colors.

"Are these...handkerchiefs?" Silver asks.

"Plain blue handkerchiefs? Um, no offense, but these look way more basic than those glass mobiles..." Idia says.

"Ah, but there's a trick to them," Rollo says.

And talks to the shopkeeper, "Shopkeep, I'd like to buy one of these."

"Sold! Here you go, sir!" The shopkeeper says and gives Rollo the handkerchief.

"Now observe," Rollo says.

He blows into it, and the cloth goes KABOOM.

Silver cries out, "GET DOWN!" And tackles everyone to the ground.

Everyone else yelps as they are pushed down, "Woah!"

However, the boys look up to see that the handkerchief explodes of red smoke and confetti.

Confused, Silver says, "...Hm? I thought that sharp noise was some kind of attack. Looks like it was just red smoke and confetti."

Rook is amazed, "Oh là là, that startled me."

"Silver just tackled and covered us in one swoop. What kind of guy just busts out an Adonis move like that so instinctively?!" Idia says, still winded from being pushed down.

Ruggie asks, "What was THAT?"

"Thank you for giving the exact reaction I expected. In fact, it was even better," Rollo says, "This is a type of firework. When you blow strongly into the handkerchief, it sets off a noisemaker and smoke."

Rook is surprised, "My, how curious. I didn't feel any heat from it, yet it still generated noise and smoke."

"Does it use magic rather than gunpowder?" Idia asks, "I gotta admit, hiding a trick like that in a plain ol' handkerchief is pretty rad."

"What would you even use it for, though?" Ruggie asks.

"Oh, children use these to play pranks on one another," Rollo says, "I'm told some also use them as a distraction so they can run from grown-ups who are scolding them."

Idia chuckles, "Whee hee hee... It's pretty well-made for a basic prank. I love this kinda stuff. It's flashy, loud, and fun. Sounds like it ticks all the boxes for you, Silver."

"I dunno, man, it's a kid's toy. Would it really be good for a dad?" Ruggie asks.

And Silver says, "You're right, Idia. This would make a fine gift."

"It would?!" Ruggie questions, shocked.

And Silver explains, "Father loves surprising people. I'm sure he'd enjoy a unique handkerchief like this one."

"Huh... Your dad sounds like one playful dude," Idia replies.

"He is. A bundle of fun and cheer all around," Silver says.

Then asks the shopkeeper, "Shopkeep, I'd like to purchase this."

"I'm glad you like it. I'm always happy to help someone do something nice for their parents. I should go check up on the others," Rollo says.

Rook smiles, "Merci, Rollo! Our walk with you has been most entertaining."

"...Ya thx," Idia says.

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