Chapter 15: Empress Kuroyurei Saiba

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The party landed in the Dynastiotron Village with scraps of the wartram toppling beside them.

"Man, talk about a crash landing," Ritom shook his head.

Mivangeline observed the Minka houses with white sliding doors and blossoming gardens of crystalized bismuth trees. Red bromine ponds with silver technetium water lilies teemed with steampunk goldfish made of wood and gears.

The Commander then did a headcount of the party. Ten members remained along with some police droids: Herself, Shien, Naivern, Ritom, Enshiron, Elysia, Knavus, Zirconessa, Ruddigus, and Esarin.

She signaled the group to hide behind the train carts as ronin sharpshooters jumped outside their houses, firing at the DJ bionic commandos marching into their territory. The party watched the machine commandos blast the samurai into pieces with their arm machine guns.

"We should avoid as much fighting as possible," Mivangeline whispered. "Follow me."

War raged through the village as they weaved between ruined houses and darted across hexagon-tiled streets riddled with smoking craters. They ran in zigzags through the battlefield. DJ Kyushu fighters soared above them, nosediving into rooftops where Dynastiotron snipers hid in vain.


"Shien! You're a curse!" Thalamoid roared from the hovertrain wreckage. "You went into my life and ruined everything! Give me back my mom!"

As Dynastiotron and DJ forces brawled around her, Cyroid's hologram appeared.

"Cyroid! What do you want?" Thalamoid roared.

"We've cut off program Zeruqkchiyion from your account," The mechanical man pointed at her. "You will be stuck in the Syanic Earth along with the players."

"Wait, what? You can't do that!" Thalamoid checked her profile to find the log-out button useless.

"I'm afraid the Supreme Herald doesn't tolerate such treason. Thus, you'll be punished severely."

A built man with mechanized arms and legs walked beside Cyroid. The man wore thick, orange armor with the Kneapexist minotaur's skull with five red stars boldly branded across the chest plate. He had fiery orange hair and goggles above his red military skull mask. The man had a cylindrical flamethrower slung over his shoulder. Contour haze shrouded the man's profile. It was Garum Suvenjior, the High Envoy of Venezuela.

"We're onto you, traitor!" Suvenjior pounded his geared fists together. "How dare you betray the Supreme Herald! An enemy of Fanghui is an enemy of mine!"

"Destroy her!" Cyroid's hologram ordered before fading.

Suvenjior blasted his flamethrower at Thalamoid. The droid woman evaded the torrential fire and charged at the High Envoy. Suvenjior twisted his weapon's handles until the innard springs tightened. He pulled the handles off, ejecting the flamethrower to hit Thalamoid's head.

The cylinder ricocheted off her confused face as she lost her scythe. Suvenjior's handles sharpened into knives, cutting the scythe down before rushing for her neck.

"Avian Form: Wryneck Scythe!" Thalamoid sliced her palms on par with Suvenjior's military knife tactics.

Suvenjior flicked a knife, commanding his flamethrower to launch into Thalamoid as a battering ram. It knocked her into a Dynastiotron dojo as Suvenjior tackled the droid woman. The two combatants rolled on each other until they landed in the purple stadium.

When Suvenjior flicked his knife again, the flying flamethrower dashed for Thalamoid. The droid woman jumped over the cylinder and unsheathed her left claw at Suvenjior to disarm his knives. Suvenjior quick-drew an incendiary pistol from his knee holster, blasting Thalamoid's left claw into pieces.

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