Chapter 18 -- Sister's or Foes?

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Vera's (Addison's) P.O.V.

Finally I'm away from those idiots. I can't believe how immature they are. As soon as they started playing that stupid game, I rushed back upstairs because I knew Zayn was gonna be by himself. I was able to sneak Harry's room key out of his towel. I slid the key through the door and saw Zayn sitting on the couch by himself. He turned around and looked at me. SO HOT.

"Oh hey Vera. What are you doing up here?" he asked.

"I was bored. The others were playing stupid games in the pools." I said as I walked close to him. He got up to walk away but I blocked his path.

"Uh excuse me." he said.

I grabbed his wrists and pushed him against the wall.

"Vera what are you doing?!" he yellled.

"Come on Zayn. Just admit you think I'm hotter than Lola." I said flirtatiously.

"No I'm not gonna admit that when I don't think it's true." he shouted.

"Well maybe this will change your mind." I smirked.

He looked at me in confusion and I forcefully pressed my lips against his. The door suddenly opened and Lola let out a gasp and dropped her towel. Perfect timing. Zayn pushed me away and I just looked at her.

Lola's P.O.V.

I decided to go back upstairs to see if I could find Vera. I took Niall's room key so I could stop in their room first to see Zayn. I slid the card through the lock and opened the door. My eyes grew huge, and I dropped my towel, and then let out a loud gasp. My sister was kissing my boyfriend. MY BOYFRIEND.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?!?!?!?" I screamed.

Zayn pushed Vera away and walked towards me.

"Lola it's not what you think." he started.

My eyes filled with tears and once I blinked they flowed down my face. Shit I didn't want him to see me cry. I looked over at Vera and she had the bitchiest smirk on her face. This is when I knew that she was not Vera. The Vera I knew would never kiss Zayn. I knew she was Addison. She even warned me previously that I should watch myself.

"I know it's you Addison." I said.

"Bravo Lola. You finally figured it out." she smirked.

Zayn looked at her and then back at me.

"Addison?" he questioned.

"It's me babe." she said while touching his chest.

"Get away from me!" he screamed. He then looked back over at me.

"WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU KISS MY LITTLE SISTER!" I screamed. I was screaming so loud I thought I would get kicked out.

"Lola it's not what it seems." he said reaching for my arm.

"Don't fucking touch me! I hate you! We're done!" I yelled. I slammed the door shut and full out ran to my room. Half way down the hall I heard Zayn's door open and I knew he was going to chase after me.

"Lola!" I heard him scream. I looked back and saw him running towards me. Luckily I had my room key in hand. When I reached the lock I was struggling to slide it through because my hands were shaking. Eventually I got it and slammed the door in Zayn's face right when he reached me. I threw myself on to my bed and cried. I remembered that Addison had a room key so I put the gold chain across the door so no one would be able to get in. I pulled my suitcase out from under my bed and threw all my stuff in it. When I say everything, I mean everything. I got on my phone and looked for instant flights to L.A. To my surprise there was. There were two different flights. One flight was leaving in half an hour and one flight was leaving in an hour. If I hurried I could get on to the flight leaving in an hour. I booked first class for the second flight to L.A which was leaving in one hour. About 15 mins later I heard knocking on my door and I instantly ran to my door and pressed all my body strength on to it.

"Go away!" I screamed.

"Lola it's us. Liam, Niall, Harry, and Louis." Liam said. I removed the chain and quickly let them in.

"What do you guys want?" I asked.

"We heard what happened." Louis blurted out.

"I figured you did. Doesn't matter. Zayn and I are over and I'm going home." I said.

"I can't believe it was Addison this whole time. I knew there was something off about her." Niall said.

"Well she got what she wanted. She wanted Zayn all along and she has him now." I said while shoving things in my suitcase.

"Are you really leaving?" Harry asked and grabbed my hand. I nodded my head and let tears fall down my cheeks. He pulled me in for a hug and the other boys got in for a hug as well.

"My flight leaves in an hour." I said pulling away from them. "Please don't tell Zayn where I'm at and Addison should know how to get home at the end of the week. I love you guys so much and thank you so much for everything these past few days. I wish I could have stayed long enough to see one of your concerts. I promise before all your U.S tour dates are over, I will come and see one. You guys pick any date and any state and I will be there. They all leaned in for another hug and then we broke away.

"We love you so much Lo." Liam said while stroking my cheek.

"Well my taxi is waiting and it takes 25 mins to get to JFK. Bye guys. I love you and I promise to call and skype a few days a week." I said.

"Bye Lola." Harry said and leaned in for another hug. Then Louis kissed me goodbye, Liam did the same, and Niall was the last.

"I'm really gonna miss you Lo." he said and buried his face in my hair.

"I'm gonna miss you too Nialler." I said as I ran my hands through his hair. I pulled away and pulled the necklace off around my neck. "Please give this back to Zayn." I said while putting it in his hand. He nodded and stroked my cheek. "Harry go do me a favor. Go distract Zayn as I leave. I don't want him to come looking for me."

"Sure thing Lo." he said and hugged me one more time.

We then walked out of the room and I went towards the lobby, Niall followed me, and Harry, Liam, and Louis went back to their room. Niall held on to me the entire time in the elevator and came with me to check out and then he walked me out to my taxi. I slid in the seat and he put my suitcase in the trunk.

"Bye Lo. I'll miss you." he said and left a small kiss on my lips.

"Bye." I said and he shut my door. I looked back as the taxi drove off and I watched as Niall waved goodbye to me. 

***Thanks everyone for reading my fanfic!! I made a movie trailer to go along with this fanfic so check it out on the side!! xx

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