Twenty: Blinding Rage

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The first week of October for the past few years, I would wait to see if she would text me. Of course, she didn't because we weren't friends. But it was a tradition every year to go with her and her mom for Halloween decorations.

So, I was pretty excited to receive the invitation this year.

Not only because it had been so long, but because it had been almost a month since I had actually had a conversation with her. And, this could be a good time to... catch up.

I manage to get a few hours of sleep, but I am still up a bit before the sun begins to rise. The end of last night's small storm was the thing that made me get out of bed. I loved seeing the light rain and fog as the sun rose on these chilly fall days.

Knowing I have about 25 minutes until the sun actually begins to rise, I get dressed and ready for the day as coffee brews in the kitchen. Pouring myself a cup, I decided to just leave it black, pulling on a zip-up jacket and opening the front door.

The grass could definitely use one more cut before it gets cold and the leaves turn brown. The rain is light, but still makes a sound as it hits the pavement and grass. One of these days I will get the motivation to fix up the outside of the house. But, not yet.

When the cup is empty, the sky is orange, and the clouds are pulling away in the distance. The fog is low sitting, sticking to the wet roads and lawns, like a blanket.

It will dissipate by the time I leave for Delia's.

The thought puts a smile on my face, and I go back inside to grab my keys and wallet.

If I wasn't driving, I would have watched her sleep, because she looked so peaceful. Compared to the deep circles under her eyes, and the paleness of her skin that seemed to keep a perpetual frown on her face these days.

It's him. I know that he's the reason that she is practically deteriorating. I wish she would just tell me, so I could help her.

As I'm arriving in the city, she stirs in the passenger seat.

"Good morning, feeling refreshed?"

"Yeah," Her voice sounds hoarse.

"There's a bag with tea and some chips at your feet," I gesture towards it, but she is already rummaging through it and pulling out the bottle.

I glance at her as she gulps down the entire thing without a break.

"Jesus," I chuckle, "Take a breath,"

"You're in a good mood," My smile gets a bit wider.

Yeah, of course I am, I'm spending time with you. I don't actually say that, though.

My cheeks and jaw hurt from smiling. It has been so long since I have had quality alone time with her, and I want to make the most out of it. I want her to have a great time today, I don't want her to think about CJ.

I will definitely think about CJ, but she shouldn't. She should just be thinking about me, and her favorite holiday.

The amount of self-control it took to contain the bubbling anger as Veronica rambles on and on.

"... I mean you would think she would have some kind of common sense you know? I saw one of the bruises, it was bad. And I'm also so surprised that no one saw any of them sooner."

"Roni," Francesca's tone is very blatantly upset. "You just yapped about the biggest secret on the planet that you promised not to tell,"

"Well, I'm sick of seeing her be treated this way."

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