Everything We Could Be

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Hi! If you have read this far, you must assume that you have reached the end of this story, but you have not! 

Book two, titled Everything We Could Be, is finished and in the editing process. Unlike this one, I will most likely NOT have a schedule for posting chapters, it will just be when I finish editing one, I will publish it immediately.

Because of this, there may be times when I have to go back and do some minor editing to already published chapters, I am not quite sure yet but if I do have to do that, there will be an author's note at the end of the next published chapter, informing you of any changes I have made.

Within the next few days, I will begin posting the chapters for book two! I hope you are as excited as I am to follow Delia and James, as well as their friends, through the next chapter of their lives. That said, this chapter will be much different than the first one! You will get to see their characters grow in very different ways than you may be expecting.

In an hour or two, I will be posting a little snippet here of chapter one or two so that you can get an idea of what you might be stepping into.

In addition, I would like to mention that I plan on having five books in this series by the end, three being about this length and following James and Delia, and then I plan on writing two novellas following Roni and Cole and Fran and RJ at different points in the story.

Roni and Cole's novella will be set between Everything We Always Were and Everything We Could Be, and Fran and RJ's will be set between Everything We Could Be, and book three, Everything We Are (this title may change).

Thank you so much for reading and enjoying and don't forget to please let me know if you notice any plot holes or mistakes that need to be fixed!


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