Uzi's Streamer Life Chapter 1 - Just The Life of a Goth Streamer

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Uzi's Bedroom

6:30 AM

It was the start of the morning. The sun was shining and Uzi Doorman was still asleep. She didn't like getting up in the morning. The only way she would even get up the morning sometimes was if she had her coffee. But she had to get up because She wanted to make breakfast for her boyfriend N. So she got out of bed and got on her  purple morning robe and put on her slippers. Since she was going to be in the kitchen to them breakfast, she could make her coffee as well. That was until she smelled something coming from the kitchen. So she went there and saw that N was already there making breakfast.

"Good morning Uzi." N said to her as she came into the kitchen.

I guess he thought of the same thing as her about making breakfast.  Considering her luck with making food it would probably end up a mess.

"What did I say about giving me nicknames?" Uzi said in a tired tone as she was still waking up.

"I know. but I still kinda like it". N said to her while pouring her a cup of coffee.

"Thanks N.  You know I can't do anything in the Morning without my coffee". Uzi says thanking her boyfriend while taking the coffee from him.

"You're welcome Uzi". He saids to her with a smile.

Uzi was still kinda in disbelief that she has a boyfriend considering that she was seen as a loser by most.  She met N in high school in her junior year. They hanged out together a lot until one day she asked him out for a date at her place and N was Happy to come over. Uzi was completely nervous about the whole thing as she thought if she screwed up this date then he may hate her or damage their friendship. But N was just happy to spend time with her because he loves her.

So after high school Uzi decided to ask N if he wanted to move into her apartment that her Father got for Her and he was happy to do so.

"So Uzi?" N then  said to her while proceeding to sit down to eat some toast.

"What are planning to do today"?

Uzi knew actually what she was doing today. She was planning it for weeks. She was going to have for first ever 7 Hour stream. Ever since N moved in she got the idea to stream herself playing games during the night. It's been a fun experience. Not only does she get show off her gaming skills but also get a revunue from subs while still having a job.

Sure her job at HOT TOPIC was sometimes boring mainly thanks to her boss Julie wanting everything perfect always but it was worth it for her streaming career and having an apartment for her And N.

"Well N. Today I'm going to have my first 7 Hour stream today starting at noon". She said to N after finishing her coffee and having her energy in the morning.

"I figured since I don't have work today I can do it". She said with confidence.

"Aww my Little girlfriend is growing up." N said jokingly.

"N I'm 20." Uzi laughed after he said that.

"Are you sure cause still look short to me". N jokingly said to Her.

N always like to poke fun at her Height. It's not her fault that He's 5.6 and that she's 4.8.

"Anyway." Uzi said while eating the toast. I figured that maybe since this stream is special that maybe you could join in the games?"

"You know how my chat likes you."

Uzi's chat always like whenever N shows up on stream because they always like their wholesome moments together like when Uzi got completely tired for one stream and forget to end it which led to N deciding to put her to bed and then ended the stream for her. This embarrassed Uzi for the whole next stream as instead of being seem as being this cool goth streamer she was seem as a dork who feel asleep and got put to bed by her boyfriend.

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