Uzi's Streamer life Past events #2 - A likable Dork

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Uzi Pov

18 Year Old Uzi Doorman was walking out of Her first class with the same feeling she had when entering school. Bored and annoyed. She didn't want to think about having to spend another year in this place. And She definitely didn't want to think about dealing with Lizzy once again. She also figured that this year would be no different than her previous 2 years of high school. Just the same old routine that she has had for a while But she was wrong as this was the day that her life would change forever. She just didn't know it at that point.

So as she progressed to her next class she Was thinking about how much she wanted something different to happen in her life. After going through the same motions for a while Uzi wanted something new to happen in her life. A new experience that's different from her previous years in high school. But she knew that wasn't going to happen.

Before she went to her next class she wanted to get a drink from the vending machine. She was getting somewhat sick of waking up at 6:00 Am every day to just make herself a Hot coffee. So why not just let the powers of technology make that job easier. So she went up to one of them and pulled out her wallet to get her Credit card out. But when she went to put in the machine said

Please Use Dollar bills to use this Machine.

"What?" Uzi Thought to herself. "Who still uses dollar bills in the 21st century? Why can't everything just be digital?"

Uzi Always had a grind against certain places and people being out of touch with technology. Her Father was at the top of the list. And since she Only brought her credit card with her today she basically wasn't getting anything to eat until lunch. So much for her coffee. So she was going to just go on to her class until she heard a voice from behind her.

"Hey There."

"Huh?" Uzi said surprised. So she turned around and saw that a very tall Boy was there.

This is what she needed right now. A Boy that's probably going to treat her with little respect like most of them. Alright. Let's hope he makes this quick.

"Are you having trouble with the vending machine?" He Asks her.

"That's odd. Uzi Thought to herself. "Usually the boys around here outside of Thad would just be an uncaring jerk to the girls unless they're around Lizzy. But this one sounds genuine."

"Yeah." Uzi begins to say to the boy. "I was trying to get a drink before my class but in my infinite wisdom I forgot to bring any Dollar bills with me."

The boy then looked at her for a few seconds and then said something that would surprise her.

"You Can have some of my dollar bills to pay for it if you want." He happily said to her.

Uzi was taken back by how generous this Boy was to her considering he doesn't even know her. Now she knew this wasn't a trick Or something. If this was someone like one of Thad's Brothers then they wouldn't have just ignored her and Then would have gone on with their Day.

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