Chapter 2- Pranks a lot V

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V's Room

12:00 AM

If there was one of many things that V didn't like it was getting beaten by her brother N. Maybe it comes from the fact that she wanted to insert her role as the older sibling to him. But whatever the reason was she was not letting go of the fact that her younger brother got her with the alarm clock trick she used to pull on him in middle school. She needed to get even with him but how?

She thought about it for a while in her new room Until an idea came to her. She was going to pull the old Water bucket in the room trick on him. Sure he may get upset at her but he will get over like he usually does when she pranks him like always. Now the next part was getting it set up.

"These two got to have a bucket somewhere?" V quietly said while walking around the apartment late at night just to make sure she didn't wake her brother or His girlfriend.

And then she found one. It was in one of the closets. She didn't know why N's Girlfriend had a bucket but she wasn't complaining. So she took the bucket from the closet and went to the kitchen to fill it with water. Once she did that she went back to her room and placed the bucket of water on top of her door with a rope to trigger it tied to the floor. It was mostly hidden away from view in case anyone saw it before she got up.

4:30 AM

After 3 hours of sleep V woke up. She felt refreshed after that sleep. What probably helped was the bed because it was nice and cozy. It was better than her old bed back at her and N's Parents house. She would not admit that to N because he would think that she has gotten soft.

She does have her caring moments like protecting her brother from bullies back during school. It's almost like an instinct within her triggers whenever Something bad happens to N when she is around. She guesses it's some protective Sister thing. Then she heard her door slightly open which Alerted V. It was her brother N. Luckily the bucket was still steady enough to not fall yet.

"Good morning Sis." N said to her.

"N! It's still dark out!". V said to him in an angered but also tired tone. But then it dawned on her.

"This will be fun". She thought to herself.

"What is it Brother"?

"I was thinking about if maybe you and Uzi could have a girls night to yourselves sometime". N tells her.

"Why would I do that?" V saids to Her brother.

"I just thought it would be a good way for you and Uzi to get to know each other better."

"I don't think that's going to happen".

"Huh? Why not?" N asked her.

"I don't think we would have anything in common." She told him.

While She didn't know a lot her Brother's girlfriend V did know that she was as much of a nerd as N is. Maybe that's why as N calls him and her sometimes the dynamic duo.

"Ok Sis I understand but if you change your mind just let me know". N says to her in his typical positive tone.

"Ok. Now you just got to get him to come into my new room and then when he leaves. I Dunk him". V thought to herself while Smiling.

"Say N I wanted to ask you something". V said now thinking of an idea to get him into the Room.

"Sure Sis what is it?" N asks her.

"My uhh Window was opened slightly." She tells him.

"That's weird? I thought I shut it the last time I came in here?"

So He went to check the window while not noticing V getting out of her bed and into position to pull the rope.

"The window is still shut, Sis." N said after checking the window and heading towards the door while not noticing his sister with the rope in her hands.

"Are you sure you don't need glasses?" He saids questioning her.

Really? That old story? V could not believe that her brother still thought she needed glasses. Just because she threw a ball into his room when she was eight didn't mean she was poor sighted. And besides she knew the window was shut as it was just a way to get him into the door.

"Maybe it was an illusion from the sun." V said, smirking at him. N still looked suspiciously at her but then he proceeded to the door.

"Gotcha." V happily thought to herself.

"Oh. One More Thing N." She said while making sure to stand clear of the bucket above the door.

"What now?" N said, slightly annoyed.


And thus she pulled the Rope and then... SPLASH. The bucket dumped the water all over N's Pajamas and he just stood there shocked while V was there Laughing.

"V WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" N yelled at her while shivering from the cold water.

"Hahaha! That was for yesterday when you woke me up with my alarm clock". V said while still laughing at the sight of her brother soaking wet.

"You are so immature Sometimes Sis!" N said she at her while being very pissed at this whole situation.

"I know". She tells him bluntly.

"Some things don't change." V thought to herself.

And then just as V was enjoying her time with the prank she heard a Door open and then Slam. And then in a few minutes she saw N's Girlfriend standing there in Purple pajamas and looking very Mad.


"She started it by Dunking me with Water!" N said pointing at V.

"No you started It Yesterday!" V said pointing back at N.

"Uggh!" Uzi groaned to herself While putting her hand on her head.

"Ok. I have work in the morning so I need to go back to sleep so can you apologize for Soaking my Boyfriend and your Brother?" She said directed at her.

"Ok I'm somewhat sorry for dunking you with Water N." V said to him.

"Somewhat?" N said to her while still dripping from the water.

"Yeah. I'm sorry but not fully". V saids while putting her hands on hips.

"Sigh. Fine, I will accept your apology." N said to her realizing this was a losing battle. "But you promise not to do this again to me?"

"Sure. I will just do it with a different bucket." V saids in a slightly sarcastic voice.

"SIS?" N yelled at her.

"Alright, I won't do it to you again". V saids to him.

And so Uzi then decided to proceed back to her room after seeing that the siblings had made up. And then N went to probably get a towel to clean up from her prank. Which just left V in her room and she proceeded to go back into her bed. And before she went back to sleep she thought to herself that this whole new apartment was going to be a lot more fun than she even thought.

"You're not going to stop me so easily shortie. There's room for only one rebel in this place and that's Me".

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