Chapter 3- I'm in charge?

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12:00 PM


Uzi was having a very busy day at work today so far. First she needed to move a bunch of stuff from one corner of the store to the other by herself. And then she had to clean the floors for an hour and then organize all the shirts. And that was all before it was noon.

That would have all been fine but because of that Whole thing that happened with V's mishap she almost slept in and had to skip her usual Morning coffee and shower before work. So she felt tired For much of the morning. Thad must have noticed This because while he was on his break Thad got her A coffee from The Dunkin' Donuts in the mall.

"Here you go, Uzi." He said While giving Uzi the coffee while she was sitting in a chair.

"Thanks Thad." Uzi said to him in a very Tired voice.

"You're welcome."

"So? Why are you more tired today?" Thad asked her.

"Well You see My Boyfriend's Sister V is now living with us and she decided to drench my Boyfriend With water at 5 in the morning. So I told them after they argued that I needed sleep so I slept In and missed my morning coffee". Uzi said slightly angry at him.

Then Uzi began to drink the coffee Thad gave her and felt more refreshed.

"Ahhh. This hits the spot." Uzi said to herself.

So Uzi then had the rest of the coffee after a couple sips and then got up from the chair and Threw it in the nearby Trash Barrel.

"Alright. I'm going to see what else Julie wants me to do around here". She tells Thad.

"Ok." Thad said to her.

"And Shouldn't you be getting back to work helping customers?". Uzi Told Thad.

"Oh Right! I almost Forgot." He says shocked at her comment.

"Thanks Z".

"You're Welcome." Uzi said while heading to Julie's office while Thad went back to His location.

Thad has always been forgetful about doing tasks sometimes. Uzi usually had to remind him about homework back in High school so this wasn't new to him. So Uzi goes into Jane's office to see if she had any other jobs for her to do and if not ask if she could take her break.

Jane was on The phone with someone Apparently as she could see. So she decided to sit down and wait. Hopefully she would not be long on it. Eventually Julie got off the phone and turned around in her chair.

"Sure. Have a meeting on my work day. See if I care...Braiden." Jane said to him in a heat of anger.

Then She put the phone down in anger while turning around and saw Uzi was there.

"Oh. Hello, Loyal Employee." Jane said to her. "So What's the problem now? Did Sam Fall Asleep at the cash register Again or Did Thad forget to come back from His break?"

"Uh No?" Uzi said to her Slightly Confused.

She decided not to mention how Thad almost forgot To go back to his section cause she knows how Jane is with things in this store not going well.

"Good. Because I'm dealing with enough problems right now". Julie said kinda frustrated.

"You see Braiden decided that he should have the quarterly Mall leader meeting tomorrow."

"But in my pry of having the Best store in the whole mall I want to be open on Friday to take advantage of those weekend sales". She then went on about the store.

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