Uzi's Streamer life - Past events 1 - Paging Doctor N

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7:00 AM

Uzi felt like she was Dead inside. She has felt like this ever since she woke up today and she has been in her bed for an hour. Uzi always hates getting sick. Everything feels like it's always hot and she always feels sluggish during the day. Her getting sick also feels like it's a reminder of her school days. The feeling of being weak and small even though she is much more than that at this point in her life. Then She heard her Bedroom Door open up. It Was her Boyfriend N.

"Good Morning Uzi." N said to Uzi while walking into her Bedroom.

"Morning." She saids to him in a sickly tone.

"Uzi Are You Ok cause You don't sound well?" N then asks her in a somewhat concerned manner.

"What do you mean? I Sound Fine." She tells N.

"You Sound Stuffed up." He Saids to her.

"No I Don't." Uzi saids to Him in a somewhat angry tone but was tough to tell under her stuffed voice.

Then N looks at her again. He knows something is up with her but can't seem to figure it out. But then he got a thought about what it could be.

"Uzi? Are you sick?" He Asks her.

"Um No." She said to N.

"Are you Sure?" N questions her.


Then N looks at her again and begins to leave her room without saying anything.

Uzi didn't want to Tell N that she was sick because she didn't want to just stay in her bed all day, which is what N would probably Make her do if He found out. Sure he would he Just be helping her out like the boyfriend that he is but sometimes she wants to do things herself. So she is going to pretend that She is fine to N and then while he's busy she will go into the kitchen and get some medicine to make her feel a bit better. But then she felt her Nose Start to Itch and She tried to resist the sneeze but eventually she couldn't hold it anymore and let it out.


"Great." She thought to herself. She sneezes like a Kid. Imagine if her stream watchers saw her like this. Rather than a confident goth ruler but A Sick Woman who sneezes In a very kiddie fashion.

This then made N turn around and looked at her again as he didn't actually fully leave her room yet . Uzi knew that she wasn't getting out of this after that Sneeze so she decided to accept staying in bed today and tell N the Truth.

"Ok N. I'm actually sick. I woke up like this and I felt Like in an internal state of sickness." Uzi said to him in a sickly voice.

Then N walked up towards her Bed and put his hand on her Head.

"Uzi? Aren't you overreacting a little? You just have a cold and a fever. That's all." He tells her after taking his hand off of Uzi's head.

"What?" Uzi said somewhat surprised.

"Yeah. You will be fine just as long as you get some rest and don't leave your Room." He saids to her.

"Ughh Achoo." Uzi groans until she then sneezes again.

"Bless you." He then tells her.

"Thanks." Uzi saids to N in a tired voice.

"N? Do I really have to Stay in Bed All day?" She then asks him.

"Probably Biscuit. In order for you to get better you have to stay here and rest." N explains to her.

"But I wanted to Stream Later today." She then laments to N.

"Well we will see how you are around when you normally have to stream and we will go from there."

"Fine." Uzi then saids to N.

"Good. I'm going to make you some soup to help out with your Cold and fever while you try to rest."

"I Will Try Achoo." Uzi saids while sneezing once again.

So N then Leaves the Room to make Uzi the soup while she lays in Bed. Uzi was conflicted about being sick. While She hated the idea of missing the opportunity to stream today She did like that N was going to help her through this sickness. Considering how unhelpful her dad was at sometimes making her get better when she was young it's an improvement over Him. After A couple Minutes N then came back With the Soup for her and Also A box of tissues and puts both of them on the side of her Bed.

"Now I'm going to leave these here for you to have whenever you need it." N tells her.

"Ok." Uzi tells him.

So N then leaves the room again leaving Uzi in her room. Then after a bit Uzi took the Bowl of soup and decided to have some of it. It was good just like most of N's cooking even if Uzi usually doesn't like soup. But if it was going to make her feel better then she was going to have It. After a few Uzi actually finished the Soup and was left with an empty bowl. Of course her First instinct was to Get up from her bed to put it away but remembers That N told her to stay in Bed. So she decides to Try to call for N.

"N. I finished My Soup." She Tried to say but her voice was too stuffed.

So Uzi decided to just wait until N comes back to take her soup bowl. During that time she decides to put it back on the counter while also taking a tissue to blow her nose. After a few minutes N then came back to check up on her and noticed that her bowl was empty.

"So I see that you liked the soup I made." N comments to the empty bowl.

"Yeah." She saids in a somewhat non caring way to that comment as she didn't really.

"Do you need anything else for Right now?" N asks her.

Uzi didn't know what else she could have right now until she had an idea.

"Could you Give me my phone?"

"Uzi? You know you need to rest right?." N reminds her.

"I'm Not going to be playing games N. I want it so I can text you if I want anything." Uzi Explains to her.

"Aww that's sweet. Ok I will get your phone." N replies to her.

"Thank you Achoo." Uzi saids while sneezing again.

So N went to get Uzi her Phone while also taking the empty bowl of soup and then came back with her phone and put it on the side of the bed.

"Here you go Uz." N says to her.


"So Do you feel any better Uzi?" N asks her about her condition.

"A little Better but still feels like crap." Uzi saids to N.

"Ok. I will be in the living room doing things while you continue to rest and text if you need anything." N tells Uzi.

"Sure thing."

And So N leaves her Room leaving her alone once more. Uzi did indeed feel a little better after having that soup and knowing that N would get her anything if she texted him. So while She still hates the fact that she was sick today, she knows for the future that she has a Boyfriend that would take care of her.

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