The Fates

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The Fates were the three goddesses -Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropo- in charge of spinning, measuring, and cutting a person's thread of life (or lifespan). As soon as a moral child was born, the Fates spun the life thread, which determined if the person would be good or bad, what would happen in their life, and how long they would live.

Clotho would spin a person's destiny on her spindle, Lachesis would measure the length of the thread with her staff, and Atropo would cut the thread if it was time for the life to end. The Fates watched over each mortal and made sure they followed the destiny assigned to them.

When a mortal dies, the Fates arranged for their soul to be escorted to the Underworld.

People often tested the Fates by trying to control their own destinies. Sometimes the other gods tried to trick them, though, the usually failed. Once, Apollo got the fates drunk with the help of Dionysus in order to prevent the death of his friend, Admetus. The Fates agreed to let Admetus live only if he could find someone to take his place in death. It was Admetus's wife, Alcestis, who died for him, upon which Admetus himself no longer wanted to live.

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