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The early morning light crept through the worn curtains of the farmhouse, casting soft beams of gold that danced across the wooden floorboards. The room was quiet, the air crisp from the slight breeze that snuck in through a cracked window, carrying with it the earthy scent of frost melting from the fields outside. The farmhouse itself, with its creaks and groans, had a way of greeting the morning, as though it, too, was waking slowly, stretching from its quiet slumber.

Elliot stood at the window, his hands wrapped around a steaming cup of coffee, the warmth from the mug seeping into his palms. He had gotten used to the silence here. It was a silence unlike anything he had known in the city. There, silence had been fleeting—a brief lull between car horns and sirens, between the hum of busy lives pressing in from all sides. But here in Willow Creek, the silence was different. It was rich and full, filled with the soft whispers of nature—a distant bird call, the rustling of the wind through the fields, the occasional groan of the old farmhouse as it settled into its bones.

Outside, the remnants of winter still clung stubbornly to the earth, though the promise of spring hung in the air. The fields were a patchwork of snow and damp earth, the morning sun casting a golden hue over the landscape. Frost clung to the edges of the fence posts, sparkling like diamonds in the soft light. There was a stillness here that Elliot had come to love—a quiet peace that wrapped around him like a warm blanket. He couldn't imagine returning to the chaos of the city now. Not after this.

The farmhouse had become more than just a place to live. It was a sanctuary, a refuge from the fast-paced world he had left behind. When he and Lily had first moved here, he had been unsure—uncertain if he could truly adapt to the slower pace, to the isolation. But now, standing here in the quiet morning, watching the sun rise over the fields, he felt a deep sense of belonging. This was home.

Elliot took a slow sip of his coffee, savoring the warmth as it spread through him. His thoughts drifted back to the night before, to the moment he had slipped the engagement ring onto Lily's finger. The memory still felt surreal, as though it belonged to someone else, yet the weight of it settled comfortably in his chest, filling him with a quiet joy.

It had been a simple proposal—nothing grand or elaborate, just the two of them standing in the backyard, beneath the stars, the cool night air wrapping around them like a shared secret. He had pulled the ring from his pocket, his heart pounding in his chest, and had taken her hand. Lily's eyes had widened in surprise, a soft gasp escaping her lips as she realized what was happening. For a moment, Elliot had been terrified that he had misjudged the moment, that maybe she wasn't ready. But then, her eyes had filled with tears, and she had whispered that single word that had changed everything: "Yes."

Now, as the sun slowly climbed higher in the sky, casting longer shadows across the fields, Elliot felt the weight of their future settling in around him—not as a burden, but as a promise. They were stepping into something new, something bigger than either of them had imagined. The farmhouse had been their first step, and now, marriage would be the next. And though the path ahead was uncertain, Elliot felt ready. More than ready.

He glanced back toward the bed where Lily still slept, her form curled beneath the blankets, her breathing slow and steady. She looked peaceful, her dark hair splayed out across the pillow, her face soft and relaxed in the morning light. The engagement ring, delicate and simple, sparkled faintly on her finger, catching the light that filtered into the room. Seeing it there, on her hand, filled Elliot with a sense of pride and wonder. How had he gotten so lucky?

For so long, Elliot had wandered through life without truly knowing what he was searching for. The city had offered distractions—endless noise, constant motion—but none of it had filled the quiet ache he hadn't even realized was there. It wasn't until he had met Lily that he had started to understand what he had been missing. She had brought light into his life, warmth into his heart, and now, standing here in their farmhouse, watching her sleep, he felt more grounded than he ever had before.

Autumn's Embrace: The Wedding Season (WRITING IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now