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The evening was settling in around the farmhouse, casting long shadows across the room as the sun dipped below the horizon. A cool breeze wafted in through the open windows, carrying with it the scent of fresh earth and the distant hum of cicadas. The kitchen table, once again their planning headquarters, was now covered in sheets of paper, each one filled with names, scribbled notes, and crossed-out ideas.

Lily sat at the table with a pen in her hand, tapping it absently against the page as she stared at the growing list of names in front of her. Elliot sat beside her, his arm resting along the back of her chair as he leaned forward to study the list, too. For the past hour, they had been working on what Lily had jokingly referred to as "the impossible task"—narrowing down the guest list.

It was proving to be far more difficult than they had anticipated.

"I didn't think we knew this many people," Lily said with a small laugh, though the worry in her voice was clear. She stared down at the page in front of her, where name after name was neatly written in rows, all potential guests for their upcoming wedding. The problem wasn't that they didn't want these people to be part of their special day—it was that they simply couldn't invite everyone.

"We don't even have enough chairs for this many people," she added, glancing up at Elliot with an apologetic smile. "And definitely not enough space in the backyard."

Elliot leaned back in his chair, his fingers rubbing thoughtfully over the stubble on his jaw. "I know," he said with a sigh. "I didn't think narrowing it down would be so hard, but... it's tough. We want to keep it small and intimate, but there are so many people who would love to be there. I feel bad leaving anyone out."

Lily nodded, understanding exactly what he meant. The guest list was a delicate balance—there were the must-invite family members, the close friends they couldn't imagine celebrating without, and then there were the people on the periphery, the ones they cared about but didn't see often, or the family friends who were more distant connections. It was a tricky dance, trying to keep the list manageable while not offending anyone in the process.

"We have to start somewhere," Lily said, glancing back down at the list. "Maybe we should break it up into groups. Family first, then close friends, and then... everyone else."

Elliot nodded in agreement. "That sounds like a good plan. Let's start with family and work our way from there."

Lily pulled a fresh sheet of paper toward her, writing "Family" at the top in big, bold letters. She glanced over at Elliot, ready to begin. "Okay, let's start with your family. Your parents, obviously."

"Obviously," Elliot agreed, writing their names down without hesitation. "My brother, James, and his wife, Katie, and their kids."

Lily scribbled the names down quickly, the list already beginning to take shape. Elliot's family was smaller than hers, so she knew it wouldn't take long to get through. But her family—well, that was another story.

"And your grandparents?" she asked.

"Yeah, definitely. And my aunt and uncle—the ones who live in Maine. They'll want to be there," Elliot added, his mind working as he mentally tallied up his relatives.

Within minutes, they had Elliot's side of the family written out, and Lily felt a small wave of relief. It wasn't too bad—manageable, even. But she knew that her side would be much more complicated. She glanced at the name "Family" written at the top of the page, took a deep breath, and then spoke.

"Okay, now my family," she said, bracing herself. "My parents, obviously. And my sister and her husband."

She paused, glancing up at Elliot with a nervous smile. "And their kids... which already makes for a full table right there."

Autumn's Embrace: The Wedding Season (WRITING IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now