Chapter 6: Unexpected Farmhouse Cost

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The morning air was crisp, carrying the scent of earth and dew as the early light filtered through the trees surrounding the farmhouse. Elliot stretched his arms above his head as he stepped onto the porch, enjoying the peaceful quiet of the countryside. Wedding planning had taken up most of their time lately, but this morning felt like a small respite—a chance to breathe before the day's tasks began.

Lily, still wrapped in a blanket, joined him with two steaming cups of coffee, handing one to him as they settled onto the porch swing. She sighed contentedly, taking in the serene view of the garden and the rolling fields beyond. For a few moments, everything felt perfect—like the calm before the storm of final wedding preparations.

"I'm glad we're having the wedding here," Lily said, her voice soft as she gazed at the farmhouse. "It feels like everything is falling into place."

Elliot smiled, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Yeah, it's going to be amazing. I'm so glad we chose this place as our home."

As they sipped their coffee, Elliot's eyes wandered over the house, tracing the familiar lines of the old wooden frame. The house had character, history—it had felt like the perfect place for them to build their future together. But even with all its charm, it had its fair share of challenges. The repairs had been ongoing since they first moved in, and while they had managed to tackle most of them, he couldn't help but feel a nagging sense of worry whenever he looked at the older parts of the house.

His thoughts were interrupted when Lily pointed to a corner of the roof, frowning slightly. "Elliot... is that a crack? Right near the chimney?"

Elliot followed her gaze, his stomach sinking as he noticed the small but unmistakable crack in the roof's shingles, right where the chimney met the house. He cursed under his breath, setting his coffee down and standing up for a closer look.

"That wasn't there before, was it?" Lily asked, her concern evident as she stood beside him.

Elliot shook his head. "No, I don't think so. I'll grab the ladder and check it out."

Lily bit her lip, watching as he disappeared around the side of the house to get the ladder from the shed. Her mind raced, already calculating the potential cost of the repair. They had been so careful with their budget, prioritizing the wedding while managing the regular maintenance of the house. The last thing they needed was an unexpected repair right before the big day.

Elliot returned a few minutes later, climbing the ladder to inspect the crack more closely. He frowned as he traced his fingers along the edge of the shingles, feeling the dampness that had already started to seep into the wood underneath. It wasn't just a cosmetic issue—the roof had a serious leak, one that could cause far more damage if they didn't fix it quickly.

"Bad news," Elliot called down to Lily, his voice tense. "It looks like we've got a leak. The shingles are cracked, and water's been getting in. We'll need to fix it before it causes any more damage."

Lily groaned, rubbing her forehead as she tried to think of a solution. "How bad is it? Can we patch it up ourselves?"

Elliot climbed down the ladder, shaking his head. "It's not something we can fix on our own. The roof's too old, and the water's already gotten into the wood. We're going to need a professional to come out and repair it."

Lily sighed, feeling the weight of the unexpected repair settle over her like a heavy blanket. They had been so close to finalizing everything for the wedding, and now this. The timing couldn't have been worse.

"How much do you think it'll cost?" she asked, though she wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer.

Elliot rubbed the back of his neck, his expression grim. "I'm not sure. But if it's as bad as it looks, it won't be cheap. We'll need to get someone out here as soon as possible to prevent more damage."

Autumn's Embrace: The Wedding Season (WRITING IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now