Chapter 15: The Engagement Party

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The crisp autumn air carried the faint scent of woodsmoke and fallen leaves as Lily stood on the porch of the farmhouse, surveying the peaceful landscape before her. The wedding was just a week away, and the anticipation was building with each passing day. Soon, family and friends would be arriving, filling the farmhouse with warmth, laughter, and excitement. But before that could happen, she and Elliot needed to prepare their home for the influx of guests.

Lily wrapped her arms around herself, enjoying the feel of the cool breeze against her skin as she mentally went over the list of tasks they had yet to complete. There were rooms to tidy, beds to make, decorations to hang, and the kitchen needed to be stocked with snacks and breakfast options for their guests. It was a lot of work, but Lily was excited. She wanted their friends and family to feel at home when they arrived, to feel the love and care she and Elliot had poured into every detail of their wedding and their farmhouse.

"Hey," Elliot called from inside the house, his voice echoing through the open windows. "Are you ready to get started? We've got a lot to do."

Lily smiled, turning to step back into the cozy farmhouse. The sight of Elliot, his sleeves rolled up and a determined look on his face, made her heart swell with affection. He had been so patient and helpful throughout the wedding planning process, and now, as they prepared to host their loved ones, she felt more grateful than ever for his partnership.

"Let's do it," Lily said, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "Where should we start?"

Elliot pulled out a list they had created the night before, ticking off items as they went. "Well, we should probably start with the guest rooms. We've got your parents staying in the upstairs bedroom, and my sister and her family are taking the room down the hall. We need to make sure everything's ready for them."

Lily nodded, already envisioning how she wanted the rooms to look. "I'll take care of the linens and make sure the rooms are stocked with towels and extra blankets. You can handle the little details like flowers and making sure the nightstands have lamps."

Elliot grinned, giving her a playful salute. "Yes, ma'am. Consider it done."

As they moved through the house, each taking on their respective tasks, the familiar rhythm of working together fell into place. Lily gathered fresh linens from the linen closet, making the beds with crisp, clean sheets and laying out fluffy towels on the foot of each bed. She added cozy blankets to the chairs by the windows, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. She wanted their guests to feel like they were stepping into a retreat, a place where they could relax and enjoy the beauty of the countryside.

Elliot, meanwhile, busied himself with the small but thoughtful touches. He picked wildflowers from the garden, arranging them in mason jars that he placed on the bedside tables in each room. He made sure the lamps were working, adjusted the curtains to let in the soft afternoon light, and even set out small baskets of snacks and bottled water for their guests.

Every time they crossed paths, they exchanged smiles and brief words of encouragement, their excitement building with each completed task. It wasn't just about preparing the farmhouse for their guests—it was about creating a space where their loved ones could feel the love and care they had put into their wedding day.

After finishing the guest rooms, they moved on to the common areas. The living room was already a cozy space, with its large stone fireplace and soft, overstuffed furniture, but Lily wanted to add a few special touches to make it even more inviting. She draped plaid blankets over the backs of the armchairs, added a few extra cushions to the couch, and arranged candles on the mantle, ready to be lit in the evenings when their guests gathered around for conversation and laughter.

Autumn's Embrace: The Wedding Season (WRITING IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now