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The morning light filtered gently through the old, lace curtains of the farmhouse, casting soft beams across the worn wooden floor. The sun was just beginning to rise over the horizon, its warm, golden glow breaking through the frosty air, setting the snow-covered fields alight with a soft shimmer. Elliot stood by the window, his hands wrapped around a steaming mug of coffee, absorbing the peaceful quiet that surrounded him.

Outside, the landscape was still, save for the slow drift of mist rising from the thawing earth as winter slowly began to loosen its grip. The farmhouse, nestled amidst the endless fields of Willow Creek, had become his sanctuary. It was far removed from the noise, the constant motion, and the endless demands of the city—a place where the quiet had space to breathe, where he had space to breathe. The silence was rich here, full of soft rustling sounds, the wind moving through the bare trees, and the distant murmur of the creek that ran along the edge of the property.

He glanced down at his coffee, the warmth of the cup seeping into his hands as he took a slow sip. The flavor was rich, familiar, like the grounding start to a day he had come to love. These mornings, alone in the quiet farmhouse while Lily slept upstairs, had become his favorite part of the day. There was something almost magical about watching the world slowly awaken—the light creeping across the fields, the frost melting into the soil, and the whole day stretching out ahead of him like a blank canvas, full of possibilities.

Elliot's gaze drifted to the snow-dusted fence line that bordered the fields, his mind wandering back to the night before. His hand instinctively brushed against his chest, where the feeling of slipping the ring onto Lily's finger still lingered, as vivid and tangible as the night itself. It had been perfect—not because of any grand gesture, but because of its simplicity. Just the two of them, standing under the stars in the backyard, surrounded by the quiet hum of the countryside, with nothing but their love filling the space between them.

He had been nervous, of course. His heart had pounded in his chest as he pulled the small velvet box from his pocket, his fingers trembling slightly as he opened it. The look on Lily's face when she realized what was happening had been worth every moment of uncertainty. Her eyes had widened, her breath catching in her throat, and then, as he had dropped to one knee, her hand had flown to her mouth, tears welling up in her eyes. The word "yes" had barely been a whisper, but it had echoed in his heart like the clearest of bells.

Now, as the sunlight continued to spread across the fields, the weight of what lay ahead settled gently over him—not as a burden, but as a quiet promise. They were starting a new chapter, one filled with unknowns but also with hope, joy, and the steady rhythm of a life built together. Marriage. The word itself felt both enormous and comforting at the same time. He knew there would be challenges. The farmhouse alone had already given them plenty of those—leaky roofs, broken pipes, endless repairs. But they had faced everything together, side by side, and that had made all the difference.

He turned his gaze away from the window and glanced at the staircase that led to the bedroom. Lily was still asleep, her presence upstairs a comforting reminder of the life they were building here, day by day. She had taken to country life faster than he had expected—her natural enthusiasm for everything new and her joy at the smallest of discoveries made each day feel fresh and exciting. Elliot smiled at the thought of her, still wrapped in the thick blankets they had bought for the chilly farmhouse nights, her hair spread out across the pillow.

The engagement ring had sparkled on her finger as she fell asleep the night before, her fingers curling around his as they lay in bed, quietly dreaming of their future together. It wasn't just about the wedding; it was about the life that would follow—the shared mornings, the quiet evenings, the laughter, the hard work, the triumphs, and even the tears. Everything that lay ahead felt like an adventure they would face together.

Autumn's Embrace: The Wedding Season (WRITING IN PROGRESS)Where stories live. Discover now