Chapter 7

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Melissa soared deeper into the storm forest, her heart heavy with sorrow and betrayal. The dense canopy above loomed like a dark veil, shrouding her in shadow as she moved further from the familiar glades she once cherished. Memories flooded her mind—times when her sisters had shown her kindness, moments of laughter shared under the soft glow of the moonlight. But those days felt distant now, eclipsed by the weight of their abandonment.

Her thoughts drifted back to her childhood. How she had sacrificed her cake for Ivory's birthday, sacrificing her own joy for the sake of her sister's happiness. And the time when Miriam, in a moment of curiosity, had ventured too close to the human realm, breaking the sacred laws of the fae. Melissa remembered how their mother had punished her, blaming her for Miriam's misstep. The sting of injustice still lingered, fueling her resentment toward the light fae and the kingdom they so cherished.

"Why should I seek their sympathy now?" she thought bitterly. "They've cast me aside, deemed me a threat. I would rather dwell in the depths of this forest than show my face to them again."

With each beat of her powerful wings, Melissa distanced herself from the memories of her sisters and the pain of betrayal. She could feel the forest welcoming her, embracing her solitude as she sank deeper into its heart.

"Perhaps I shall become a banshee," she mused, the idea swirling in her mind like the mist that cloaked the trees. "To spend my life wailing in the shadows, crying for the joy I've lost. It is better than enduring the light's judgment."

The thought resonated with her, a bittersweet acceptance of her fate. As she settled onto a gnarled branch, the wind rustled through the leaves, echoing her sorrow. She closed her eyes, letting the darkness envelop her, a protective shroud against the pain of her past. Here, she could be free from the expectations of her sisters, free from the curse of love that had only brought her grief.

"Let the world forget me," she whispered to the night, "for I shall forget them."

Melissa's thoughts spiraled back to the curse she had placed on the little princess. In the quiet solitude of the storm forest, she wrestled with her emotions, feeling the weight of her actions pressing heavily upon her heart.

"She didn't deserve it," Melissa thought, her chest tightening. The innocent laughter of the child echoed in her mind, a stark reminder of the purity she had tarnished with her dark words. "But perhaps they shall learn a lesson."

Her anger toward the king and queen simmered just below the surface, a fierce flame that flickered with every memory of their betrayal. They had dismissed her, treated her as though she were a mere specter to be cast aside. "A dark fae," they had called her, as if those words alone justified their disdain.

"They'll understand the consequences of their actions," she reasoned, though a flicker of doubt crept into her thoughts. The princess was but a child, caught in a web of power struggles she could not comprehend. "Yet, it is not just her parents who need to feel the sting of my wrath; it is their entire kingdom."

Melissa turned her gaze toward the heart of the forest, where the shadows danced and whispered secrets only she could hear. She had the power to protect her own kind and punish those who had wronged her. The balance of magic and darkness flowed through her, urging her to embrace her identity as a dark fae, but at what cost?

"Perhaps there is still a chance for redemption," she pondered, wrestling with the urge to retract the curse. The princess was the key to the fragile balance between their worlds. If she could show her kindness, perhaps it could mend the rift that had grown between them. But the thought felt like a betrayal in itself, a weakness that threatened to unravel her resolve.

"No," she finally declared, shaking her head as if to cast away the lingering doubts. "They must pay. The lesson must be learned."

With a heavy heart, she spread her wings and took to the air once more, determined to embrace the role fate had thrust upon her. As she soared through the stormy skies, she allowed herself one last thought: "Let the light fae remember the darkness they have brought upon themselves."


In the cozy confines of the fae hut, Ivory gently placed the weeping child on the bed. The baby's cries echoed through the small space, a plaintive sound that tugged at her heartstrings.

"How dost thou silence a crying child?" Ivory exclaimed, glancing at her sister in desperation.

"I don't know! How dost thou?!" Miriam replied, her voice equally frantic.

With determination, Ivory scooped the child into her arms, cradling her gently. She focused her energy, summoning a soft sleeping spell that shimmered in the air like stardust. As she whispered the incantation, the baby's cries began to subside, her eyelids growing heavy until they finally fluttered shut.

"Finally! Some magic well used," Ivory breathed a sigh of relief.

Miriam watched, still a bit skeptical. "Art thou sure that's how thou put a child to sleep?"

"I don't know," Ivory admitted with a shrug. "At least that's what mother used on us."

A moment of silence fell between them as they both contemplated their situation. "Where is Sister Melissa?" Miriam finally asked, her brow furrowing with concern.

Ivory bit her lip, glancing out of the window toward the depths of the forest. "I think she flew deeper into the woods," she replied, worry creeping into her voice. "She needs time... but I fear for her."

The sisters exchanged worried glances, the weight of their responsibilities settling heavily upon them as they kept watch over the sleeping princess.

The baby's soft whispers and gentle coos slowly faded into quiet breaths, signaling the arrival of nightfall. The room was bathed in the warm glow of the fae lights, casting flickering shadows that danced across the walls. As the stars began to twinkle through the window, a serene stillness enveloped the hut, wrapping it in a blanket of peace.

Ivory watched the child's delicate features relax as sleep took over, a small smile playing on her lips. "At last, the night has come to cradle us," she murmured, glancing at Miriam, who stood nearby with a mixture of awe and concern.

Miriam leaned closer, her eyes reflecting the faint light. "May the dreams be kind to her,"she whispered, crossing her fingers in a silent wish. "For the world outside is filled with shadows, and I fear what the darkness may bring."

With the baby peacefully asleep, the sisters took a moment to breathe, the weight of their recent turmoil momentarily lifted. Yet, an unspoken tension hung in the air, as they both knew that the night held its own mysteries—and perhaps, dangers.

"Do you think Sister Melissa will return?"Ivory asked quietly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Miriam hesitated, her brow furrowing as she gazed out into the depths of the forest. "I hope she finds solace, but I fear she may be lost in her own darkness."

As the moon rose high above the treetops, casting silver beams into the hut, they sat in silence, cradling the precious child who now lay safe between them, unaware of the turmoil surrounding her. The night was deepening, and with it came the promise of secrets waiting to unfold.

 The night was deepening, and with it came the promise of secrets waiting to unfold

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