Chapter 9

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Years passed, and Iris blossomed into a lively five-year-old. The sun shone brightly on the fae hut as Ivory and Miriam busily prepared for the child's birthday celebration, adorned with colorful decorations made from petals and shimmering leaves.

Ivory looked down at the beautifully crafted fae fruit cake, its surface glistening with enchanted fruits and frosting that sparkled like starlight. "Y-You should eat this cake," she urged, forcing herself to avoid the familiar "thou" in an effort to hide her true identity from the child.

Miriam chimed in, excitement in her voice. "Yes! It's made with the finest fruits of the forest. It will make thy birthday magical, little one!"

Iris clapped her hands, her eyes wide with anticipation as she leaned closer to the cake. "It looks so pretty!" she exclaimed, her voice bubbling with joy.

As the sisters watched the child, a warmth filled the air, almost as if the forest itself was celebrating alongside them, casting a protective glow around the gathering.

Iris looked around, her eyes darting here and there, searching for someone who was not there.

"Are you expecting something, little one?" Miriam asked gently, noticing the child's eagerness.

Iris pouted, her expression a mix of disappointment and longing. "I thought... my fairy godmother would come as well."

Miriam's heart ached at the mention of Melissa. She shook her head, knowing that in all these years, they had never seen the dark fae again. They believed she had gone deeper into the forest, embracing a darkness that seemed to consume her.

"No—nobody is coming," Miriam replied softly, trying to shield Iris from the truth of Melissa's absence.

Iris's face fell, and she looked down at the cake, her excitement fading. "But it's my birthday," she murmured, her voice barely a whisper.

As they gathered around the table, Miriam and Ivory exchanged glances, silently promising to make the day special for Iris, even in the absence of the one she hoped for. They knew that while the magic of the forest surrounded them, it could never quite fill the void left by the dark fae who had once blessed them all.

Later, after the party had ended and the forest had quieted down, Moonlight, the ever-watchful wolf, noticed Iris sitting alone, her usual bright demeanor clouded. He padded over softly, his glowing eyes filled with concern.

Moonlight nuzzled her gently. "What makes thou in a bad mood, little one?" he asked, his voice soft and warm, as only she could understand him.

Iris looked up at him, her face reflecting the sadness she had tried to hide all day. "I thought... my fairy godmother would come today," she whispered, her voice small and heavy with disappointment.

Moonlight tilted his head, understanding the unspoken pain. "Not all wishes come true as quickly as thou might hope," he said gently. "But perhaps she watches over thee in ways thou cannot see."

Iris sighed, leaning against him for comfort. "I just wanted to meet her... just once."

Moonlight tilted his head, his eyes narrowing playfully as he nudged Iris again. "Thou art dreaming, little one. What if she doesn't exist? Hmm... just a story made up by thy imagination?"

Iris shook her head firmly, determination in her young eyes. "No, I know she exists! She came and fed me honey, and watched over me whenever Ivory and Miri were busy fighting." Her voice was filled with conviction, as if every word was a truth she had lived.

Moonlight blinked, taken aback by her certainty. This kid really is something, he thought to himself, a small chuckle rumbling through him.

Moonlight's ears perked up at her words, and he tilted his head curiously. "Do thou truly know her, then?" he asked gently.

Iris paused for a moment, her small brows furrowing as she considered the question. "No... I don't," she admitted. "But I know for sure that she's kind and nice." Her eyes lit up with sudden excitement. "Ivory read me a book about a princess being helped by her fairy godmother! What was its name again?" She tapped her chin, then exclaimed, "Cinderella! Yes, that's it!"

Moonlight chuckled softly, amused by her belief. "So thou think thy godmother is like Cinderella's fairy?"

Iris nodded eagerly, her imagination fueling her certainty. "Yes! She has to be."

Moonlight gazed at the determined little girl, his heart heavy with the secret he carried. If she only knew that Melissa had cursed her...he thought silently, his eyes softening. How could he tell her that the fairy she imagined as kind and loving had once sealed her fate with a cruel curse?

He sighed inwardly, knowing that Iris's innocent heart couldn't bear the weight of such a truth. Instead, he gently nuzzled her, offering the comfort he could, keeping the secret buried deep within.

Moonlight sighed and asked again, "Do thou wish to see her, thy fairy godmother?"

Iris's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Can I?" she asked eagerly. "Will you take me to her?"

Moonlight hesitated, knowing the truth about Melissa. He watched the hope in Iris's eyes and found it hard to crush her innocent belief.

"We shall see..." he said softly, choosing his words carefully. "But remember, not all fairies are like the ones in thy tales."


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