Chapter 6

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The palace erupted into chaos as soon as Melissa vanished, her ominous words still echoing in the minds of everyone present.

"What just happened?" Ivory exclaimed, her voice laced with confusion and fear.

"I don't know!" Miriam replied, her brow furrowed. "Thou knows? Why did Sister Melissa do that?"

Julius, clearly agitated, turned his attention to the two fae. "Hey, you two! Remove the curse this instant!"

Ivory shook her head in despair. "We can't. Sister's magic is too strong for us to break it."

"And why dost thou order us?" Miriam challenged, her voice rising. "We are not thy servants! It's thy fault that Sister Melissa is angry. She cursed the princess only because thou attacked her realm and broke the promise of inviting her to the christening!"

As the tension escalated, Marigold cradled the wailing infant, her eyes wide with panic. "Julius, she won't stop crying!"

Frustration etched across his face, Julius took Iris from Marigold's arms with an urgency that spoke of his mounting stress. "Of course she won't!" he snapped. "She was just cursed to death!"

His voice boomed through the hall, amplifying the chaos around them. The guests whispered anxiously among themselves, their excitement replaced by a palpable sense of dread. The once-celebratory atmosphere had turned heavy with foreboding, and the weight of Melissa's curse loomed ominously over the gathered crowd.

Marigold, desperate to comfort the baby, rocked Iris gently, her heart aching for her daughter. "We must find a way to reverse it," she murmured, glancing at Julius with fear in her eyes. "For her sake."

Miriam turned to Queen Marigold, urgency etched across her delicate features. "Sister Melissa is a dark fae," she explained, her voice trembling slightly. "A dark fae is hard to find and even harder to reason with."

Marigold's eyes widened in realization, her heart pounding in her chest. "What do you mean? Why is that significant?"

Miriam took a deep breath, her gaze steadying as she met the queen's concerned eyes. "Dark fae are known for their powerful magic and unpredictable nature. Once they cast a curse, it becomes a part of their essence, entwined with their magic. It's not easily undone, especially by light fae like us."

Marigold's face paled as she processed Miriam's words. "So, what do you propose we do? We cannot let this curse take hold of our daughter!"

Ivory, having listened intently, spoke up. "We must seek out Sister Melissa. She may be angry now, but there must be a way to persuade her to lift the curse. Perhaps if we show her that we mean no harm..."

Miriam nodded, her determination shining through. "Aye, we must find her and appeal to her heart. We have to remind her of the bond we share as sisters, no matter how strained it may be."

Julius, still holding Iris, interrupted with a frown. "And if she refuses? What if her heart is too far gone?"

Marigold, desperation creeping into her voice, replied, "Then we shall have to find another way. For Iris's sake, we cannot lose hope."

The weight of the moment settled heavily over them all, yet within the palace walls, the flickering candlelight seemed to echo the faint glimmer of determination. They would find a way to save the child and mend the rift with the dark fae, even if it seemed impossible.

Julius's voice was firm as he spoke, "I don't trust the dark fae. I have a better idea. I trust you two. Keep her safe with you, away from the evil fairy."

Marigold nodded, her heart heavy but resolute as she handed the child to Ivory. "And please, never tell her about the curse. Also, don't reveal that we are her parents. Just say we are dead. And don't tell her that you are fae."

Ivory looked down at the innocent child in her arms, her heart aching at the thought of the deception they would have to maintain. "But how can we protect her while lying about who we are?"

Miriam stepped forward, determination shining in her eyes. "We'll raise her as a human child, giving her the love and care she needs. She will never know of her lineage unless it's safe for her to learn the truth. We must ensure she grows up far away from the darkness that threatens her."

Marigold wiped away a tear, her heart breaking at the thought of parting with her daughter, even if it was for her safety. "I trust you both. Keep her safe. Promise me."

"I promise," Miriam vowed, her voice steady.

"I promise too," Ivory added, her grip on the child tightening as she looked at the queen.

Julius nodded, his expression grave but resolute. "This is the only way. We will protect our daughter from the curse and from the dark fae who seeks to harm her. Now go, quickly. We cannot waste any time."

As the two light fae prepared to leave, Marigold took one last look at her daughter, feeling the weight of the decision settle heavily on her heart. With a final, whispered goodbye, they set off into the night, determined to shield Iris from the darkness that loomed over their kingdom.

 With a final, whispered goodbye, they set off into the night, determined to shield Iris from the darkness that loomed over their kingdom

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