Burning Stars and Burning Desires

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I know, I've said it a thousand times

And I'll say it a thousand times over;

The sky looks and is so magnificent...

Especially at night.

Sure, you may only see a few billion of stars burning light years away,

but there is so much more than meets the eye.. so much more promise...so much more hope in it.

I often look up at the night sky when I'm seeking that potential hope.

I look up to see those billions of stars 

burning like the burning fire, the burning desire in my heart.

We talked about perhaps, rekindling that seemingly-old flame some day...

When the timing's opportune again.

When the fire becomes unbearable for the both of us and the universe wants our stars to align again and some kinetic force that I can't explain draws me back to you. 

And when we find ourselves not living well in the day because we wish we saw each other during it

And when we find ourselves not sleeping well at night because it is too quiet to distract this "burning desire..."

The burning desire to melt together.

So, we will stay up among the stars 

And look up at them.

We will do this for nights, weeks, months, or even years.

Until that one special night comes

Where we realize that we are not alone

And that the other is on the same page, the same wavelength. 

That, that is when the time will be opportune again

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