Chapter 7- The FIFA game

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"Is than an X-Box?" Niall says turning his head to look at my X-Box. "Uh Yeah?" I reply, " What games do you have?" He asks me. "Well I have some Kinnect games and I've got GTA and I've got FIFA 13" I reply. "Okay let's play FIFA," he replies. " Pre warning I'm very good," I state.

I get up and get out 2 remotes I turn on the X-Box while it loads I get a drink of Coke "what about me?" Niall says. "Oh cokes in the fridge glasses in the draw near the dishwasher!" I say, " Meanie!" He stutters under his breath.

The game starts and I was getting in the moment it was the second quarter and Niall or me had scored. Neither of us stayed in our half for 30 seconds.

"This is tough!" I say and the second quarter ends.

"I'm just hard to beat!" Niall states

"Whatever!" I say and go to get some ice-cream before third quarter. Niall hadn't gotten up, surprisingly. While getting my bowl I hear "SCORE!" What no he didn't, he did, "NIALL!!!" I scream, "YOU STARTED THE THIRD QUARTER WITHOUT ME?" "Yep and that was a proud goal!" He says. "Little Devil!" I say " Well you didn't get me a coke!" He says "I'm mad but I can't get mad at you forever so I'll let you off!" I put the ice-cream and the bowl away because he's still playing and I can't let him get another goal.

I sit down and we play for another 15 minutes. " Time for me to go!" He says

"Aww!" I say not wanting him to leave

"It's late the boys are probably wondering where I am" he states

" Kay-Kay" I reply " I'll walk you out"

"Thank for the FIFA game!" he says and smiles.. That angel smile.

"Beep!" His phone goes off. "Who's that?" I say. He checks and than looks back "Mum, saying she's booked my dentist appointment for Tuesday, YAY my braces are coming off!" "Yay!" I reply feeling good for him. "Hey do you want to come be there when they come off?" He says "sure!" I say! Wanting to be there when they come off. "Okay I'm going now bye!"

"Bye!" I reply walking him out of my flat. "WTF!" I say. There were paparazzi everywhere oh and fans! They were throwing questions everywhere! " Back-Off!" Niall says. " Please move!" I add.

"You go back inside I'll leave! Text you later!" He says. He was barely audible but I got it and just nodded going back inside. They left after Niall, but a few fans were still there so I thought I'd go say hi to them, just being friendly!

I walked up to them and they were so sweet! "Hi, what's your name?" I ask. "Wait what's your name?" One of the three asks "Oh sorry it's Steph!" I reply "and you?"

"Casey, Emily and Kassidy!" She says.

"Ok! Cool!" I say. " Can we have a picture please?" Kassidy asks. "Sure!" I say

Kassidy pulls out her phone and we take a photo than I give her a hug.

"Wait can we take selfies?" I say, I love taking selfies ;) "OMG! YES!" She says we take heaps of pics of all four of us than I ask for their twitter and Instagram.

I added all of them on twitter and just Casey on Instagram because the others didn't have it.

"What about you and Niall?" Emily asks. "Um well maybe friends or future couple?" I say. "AWESOME!" Emily says. "You two would be so cute together!" Adds Kassidy. "Haha thanks!" I reply.


"Okay well bye!" I say

"Bye!" They all say in union.

Aw there so sweet.

As they left I went back into my apartment. Omg them Mosquitos attacked me! Great. I had a hot shower getting rid of the itch before going into bed. My phone goes off. Goodnight Princess, aww Niall had texted me I quickly reply, Goodnight Prince before going to sleep. It's been a long day.


Yay Chapter 8????

Please vote and add me Instagram jemma_middleton!!

Thank you!


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